Back pain (Harry)

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Request/idea from @janop245

Word count: -1520 words.

Harry's POV

We were having really fun on stage. We all were in a super good mood and everything went on well. The fans were chanting for us to do the human pyramid.

Liam, Zayn and I went to the bottow whilst Niall and another guy (sry don't remember name becouse i'm stupid and it's 1am) climbed over us and then Louis was the one on the very top.

I was struggling to keep my balance when I suddenly heard something crack. I felt it in my back. The pain was so intense that I gave up and the whole pyramid collapsed, with Naill landing on me right where my back was hurting.

As I groaned a little, Niall quickly rolled off of me and noticed my pain. "You okay buddy?" He asked with concern. I nodded, but still wore a pained expression.

"Let me help you up" Niall said as he offered to help me stand. I grabbed his hand and tried to get myself upright, wincing in pain.

"Haz, are you hyrt?" Louis asked as he approached me. "I'm not back hurts a little bit, but I think it will go away soon" I replied, not entirely confident in what I was saying. "Let's keep going" I said. "Maybe you could sit down for the rest of the show?" Zayn asked when he saw my discomfort.

And I did mostly sit down for the rest of the show. Even though my back was killing me and it was difficult to walk, I knew I had to finish the show. The management wouldn't have allowed me to go off stage and that wasn't what I wanted anyway.

Once we finished the concert, I tried to lie down on the couch backstage. It was a bit of a struggle but eventually I succeeded. "Harry, are you sure you're feeling okay? Your back still giving you trouble?" Liam inquired. "It's just a little tense and sore, no big deal" I responded. "I believe you should go see a doctor, sweetheart" Louis said gently. "No, I'm okay" I responded.

Louis's POV

Harry was clearly not okay. He had difficulty walking and even lying down. Something was definitely wrong, even if he didn't realize it himself - I did.

"Harry, I'm taking you to the doctor if it's not better by tomorrow" I said a bit sternly. "But we have a concert tomorrow," he whined. "Yes, but we'll go in the morning" I said.

I woke up at the same time as Harry the next morning. I went over to him and asked how he was feeling. "I'm good, I think" he replied. "Can you stand up?" I asked. He nodded and tried, but couldn't.

"We're going to the doctor, no questions asked" I said as I caught him. Since the others were still sleeping, I left a note saying that I took Harry to the doctors.

It turned out that Harry had a minor fracture on his spine. The doctor explained that medication and rest might improve the situation, but if not, Harry would need to come back for further testing and potentially surgery.

Harry wasn't interested in surgery, so he was content with medication and rest. We thanked the doctor and returned to the tour bus where everyone was now awake.

"Heya lad, how are you doing? How's your back?" Liam inquired. "It hurts a bit to move around, but I'll be fine with some medication and rest" Harry replied, sitting down on the couch. "Oh, I should go pick up your medication from the pharmacy" I said as I got up to leave.

Niall's POV

I felt partly responsible for Harry's injury since it was my knee that collided with his back. But I knew he would never see it the same way. Harry has also been experiencing some back pain previously. I couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

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