Blind? (Liam)

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Request from: @KAYLEYBOURQUE2

Wordcount: ~1500 words.

Hope you enjoy reading! Sorry if it's boring, I don't know much about this stuff. And also, I know you asked for both blind and deaf but I just didn't know how to write about it so I hope it's okay if I only kept the blindness.
One Direction was in the middle of their third tour. They had just finished a show in Los Angeles and were on their way to the next city.

The ride was going smoothly and everyone was happy. However, after a few hours, people started to get tired. There was a small setback that startled everyone, but luckily it wasn't anything more serious.

All was going well until Niall asked the driver "when are we there?" and when there wasn't a response, the boys exchanged worried looks with one another. "Should we go check on him?" Liam asked worriedly.

They all got up to go to the front of the bus and found that the driver had passed out at the wheel. The boys were quickly trying to think of a solution when they heard a loud crash. The bus had crashed into another car and everyone was thrown around inside.

"Are you okay?" Niall asked Zayn as he helped him up. "I think so," Zayn said, wincing as he touched his head. "But I don't know about the other boys".

"Come over here!" Louis yelled after a long minute. "It's Liam, I don't think he is ok," he added, tears visible in his eyes.

Niall and Zayn rushed over to Louis and saw him holding an unconscious Liam in his arms."H-He's bleeding from his head" Louis said, barely getting words out.

"Wait, where's Harry? And what about the driver?!" Niall asked as panic started to set in."Oh no, HARRY?" Louis exclaimed, carefully handing Liam over to Zayn and Niall.

Then he went to look for Harry. Luckily, Harry was alright - he was on the phone and checking on the driver who seemed to be in a daze.

"Hey love, are you all right?" Louis queried, concerned and wrapped his arms around Harry. "Oww" Harry laughed softly, "Yeah I'm good I think".

"Your arm, does it hurt?" Louis asked, Harry shook his head "a little but I don't think it's even sprained, probably just bruised". Harry told the boys that he had called for an ambulance and they should be here any minute now.

"Liam, please wake up" Zayn begged. "How is he?" Harry asked as him and Louis went over to them. "He's not responsive but the bleeding has stopped" Niall explained. Harry told them that the ambulance would be here soon.


The driver only had a minor concussion and some bruises, but Liam's injuries were more severe. He suffered a serious concussion and had a large gash on his head.

Louis, Harry, Zayn and Niall had been directed to the waiting room to wait on any updates on Liam's condition.

An hour passed before a doctor came out to talk with them."You are welcome to go see him now" the doctor said, and everyone's face brightened. "Is he awake?" Harry asked. "No, not yet. But he should start waking up soon" the doctor replied and then led the boys to Liam's room.

Liam's POV

I was confused, one minute we were on our way to work and the next thing I know is waking up somewhere dark. I could hear familiar voices but I couldn't see anything.

"Hi mate, we were so worried for you" Zayn said. "Wh- what happened?" I croaked out, it was a bit hard to speak. "Our bus driver fell asleep during the drive and crashed into a tree" Louis explained.

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