Anemia (Zayn)

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This is inspired from my own experiences with anemia but it's still pretty different...

Hope you enjoy!
(Honestly I feel like this turned out a little boring...)

Wordcount: ~1450 words.
Zayn's POV

I've been feeling off for a while now. Maybe even months. I woke up early this morning and couldn't get back to sleep, so I decided to get up and do something while everyone else is still asleep.

I felt dizzy as soon as I stood up, so I sat down and took a deep breath. I waited for a moment and then tried standing up again and this time I managed.

I was still feeling a bit dizzy but it wasn't anything I couldn't manage. I walked to the kitchen in a daze, and only realized I was about to put coffee in a bowl when I apparently was still half asleep.

I suddenly heard someone say "What are you doing?" from behind me. I turned around and saw Liam. "Oh, morning. I was just trying to make some coffee. Can't sleep, ya know...why are you awake?" I asked him. "It's probably best if you use a mug. And I understand how you feel, I couldn't sleep either" he responded. His first sentence made me chuckle.

"Hey, you okay Z?" He asked after some silence. "Yeah, why? I'm just a bit tired" I replied, which I thought was the truth. "You look a bit pale, are you feeling sick or anything?" He said, sounding increasingly worried. "No I'm fine, just a bit tired like I said. Li, I'm okay so don't worry" I told him reassuringly.

We sat there in silence, sipping our coffees for several minutes. Then we heard some laughing coming from upstairs, from Louis and Harry's bedroom.

Liam and I glanced at each other and smiled. They sounded like they were enjoying themselves, then soon enough we saw them both coming down the stairs with broad grins on their faces.

"What's going on with you two?" Liam asked. "Nothing," Harry said, before bursting out into laughter, followed by Louis.

We had so much fun making breakfast together. Niall even joined us after he woke up from his so called "beauty sleep".

Liam's POV

I was starting to feel concerned for Zayn, something wasn't right and I had the sense that it had been building up for awhile.

"Is everyone ready?" I enquired as we had completed our morning meal. "For what?" Zayn responded, looking exhausted and drained of color. "Our interview...are you sure you're feeling alright Z?" I responded. It was out of character for him to forget things.

"Li I'm fine. I just had some trouble sleeping last night" Zayn said, starting to sound annoyed so I let it be. "Would you like some time to rest? I can inquire about postponing it" Niall said to Zayn.

"Thank you for your concern but I'm fine - this is the 30th time I've had to say it." Zayn responded. We were all afraid to say anything else in case he got angry. He was usually irritable when he was tired so we didn't want to bother him anymore.

Zayn's POV

We drove to the interview and it went better than expected. However, immediately after standing up from the couch we had sat on during the interview, I started feeling lightheaded again.

"Hey hey, I don't think you're completely fine, are you?" Louis said as he grabbed hold of me as I swayed a bit. "I just got up too fast, that's all" I replied.

I extricated myself from Louis's grasp and started walking towards the exit door. I was standing in front of the door, feeling dizzy and lightheaded. The room started spinning faster and faster, and the black spots appeared in my vision. I knew I was about to pass out.

Liam's POV

"Zayn?!" I shouted as we all saw him collapse. I rushed to him and the others followed close behind me.

"We need medical help!" I shouted frantically. "Liam calm down, he's going to be okay, he just passed out" Niall said in an attempt to comfort me. But I couldn't help feeling guilty - I should have done something when I first suspected something was wrong.

The interviewer had just left to fetch a medic."Wait, I think we need to get his legs up," Harry said. He was right - I couldn't think straight at the moment, but I knew he had read something about it recently.

"Zayn? Z? Can you hear me?" I tried to wake him up by gently slapping his cheeks. "Where are the medics?!" Louis asked, clearly worried.

Zayn's POV

I slowly came to. I saw four familiar faces. "Geez, you scared us" Liam said as he let out a breath. "What happened?" I asked as I tried to sit up.

"Woah, easy there, wait until the medic comes" Harry said as he pushed me back down. "But I don't think I ne-" I started to say before Niall cut me off. "You fainted mate" he informed me. "It's better that they'll take a look" he added.

After a few minutes, the medic finally arrived. "Why did it take so long?!" Louis asked impatiently. "I'm sorry, I was tending to another patient. What's going on here?" she responded calmly.

The boys confided in her and she relayed the information to me. I was told that I might have iron deficiency, so I needed to go get some tests done at the hospital.

"We'll take you there" Harry said as he helped me up. I tried to protest but they all insisted. So, I allowed them to help me.

It turns out that I indeed had iron deficiency, so my doctor prescribed me medication to try for a few months and see if it would help improve my symptoms.

And if that wouldn't help, I would need an infusion. The boys insisted that I go home and rest, as the doctor had advised, after we thanked him for his help.

I was so thankful for my brothers. "You okay?" Liam inquired. I rolled my eyes at him but then relented and said, "Liam, I'm fine. I just need some sleep and the medication will probably help". "I'm just worried about you, Z. You're important to us," Liam said. "Liam's is right" Louis interjected from the driver's seat. "Let's go home".

The early evening was lovely, and most of the night as well. However, I woke up in the middle of the night feeling nauseous and having awful stomach pains. I rushed to the bathroom and ended up vomiting.

I suddenly felt a hand on my back and when I turned around, it was Harry. "What's wrong bud?" he asked concerned. "I don't know I just woke up feeling extremely nauseous" I told him. "Did you your iron supplements? I read somewhere that sometimes people need to try different brands to find the ones that work best for their bodies. Maybe that's why you're feeling sick" Harry said, and that made sense.

"Come on, let me help you back to bed," Harry said softly as he helped me up and led me to my bed. "Thank you, Harry" I said with a smile, getting one in return.

"Btw sorry if I woke you up" I said. "No, no it's okay. I was just reading a book and lost track of time. But then I heard you so I wanted to make sure you were alright" Harry explained as he gave me a little hug. We said our good nights and Harry went back to Louis.

In the morning I felt better and decided to go down and see if everyone was up. I found Louis in the kitchen with Harry. "Good morning!" I said as I walked over to them. "Morning" They both said at the same time. I looked at them and they were both blushing. I giggled a little bit and then went to make some breakfast for myself.

"Should we call your doctor now Z?" Harry inquired. "Okay," I replied. I knew we'd have to do it sooner or later, so might as well be now. "Harry told me about last night. If you want, I can call her" Louis offered. "No, thank you. I'll just eat something and then give her a call" I said as I grabbed myself some breakfast.

I followed my doctor's instructions. She said she'd change the brand of my medication, and if that didn't work I'd have to get an infusion.

After 6 weeks of taking the new medication, I finally started to feel better. I was relieved to be back to my normal self again.

I knooooow this was very boring and I had a different original story line for this shot...

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