Locked in a sauna (Harry)

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This is not gonna make sense at all (maybe) but hope you still like it!

Wordcount: ~1100 words.
The boys were exhausted after a long flight, they were on their way to Egypt for vacation. When they landed, they took the direct route to the hotel and took a little nap.

Their rooms were arranged with Louis and Liam in one room and the others in another. But as usual, Louis and Harry wanted to be together so they always secretly switched rooms.

After about an hour's nap, the boys woke up and decided to go for a walk in the city.

"Niall? What's taking so long?" Louis asked. "Sorry, I can't find my watch anywhere" Niall replied. "It's in your hand Niall" Harry laughed. "Oh" Niall said and put it on his wrist

"Are you all ready to go?" Liam asked, prepared to open the door to leave. "I'm ready" Zayn said, and everyone else nodded in agreement.

The boys had a great time in the city, they went shopping for hours and then later got some dinner. "What a day" Louis said as he put the shopping bags down in their hotel room when they entered. "Yeah, I'm exhausted" Harry replied and collapsed onto their bed.

"What do you want to do tomorrow?" Louis asked. "I don't know, maybe just stay at the pool. I'm not sure I can walk that much again tomorrow" Harry replied tiredly and Louis agreed with him.

The next day

"Oi oi, jump in!" Louis shouted, splashing a bit of water on Liam. "Oh, you're gonna regret that," Liam said as he jumped in and playfully began to attack Louis.

Harry's POV

"Hey guys, Z and I are going to the sauna. Wanna join us?" Niall asked. I saw that Louis and Liam looked like they wanted to go, so I replied "sure!" and then we all went together.

The sauna was really hot, but it felt good...at least for the first half an hour.

"Are you gonna stay here?" Louis asked a bit concernedly as they all wanted to leave, but I wanted a little moment for myself. "Yeah, I'll join you later, just a few minutes" I said and then they left.

I was getting ready to leave about fifteen minutes later, but when I tried to open the door it wouldn't budge. I wondered if perhaps it was locked - but that didn't make sense, because as far as I knew there wasn't a lock on the door.

I tried to remain calm, but it was challenging since the sauna was incredibly hot and every breath was getting harder. How was I supposed to get out? I felt like the heat was only getting worse making me even a little bit nauseous.

"Guys! Help!" I tried to yell but they had probably all left already. Anyway I tried to bang on the door but the heat drained all the energy out of me.

I started to feel lightheaded and sweat was dripping out of every body part. I was getting so dizzy that I couldn't even see straight anymore let alone figure out how to open the door.

I knew my body wouldn't last much longer and I'd eventually pass out.

Louis's POV

Harry still hasn't arrived after 45 minutes and I'm starting to feel anxious. I tried to call him but as i saw his phone ringing on the towel, it hit me, fuck. He was probably still in the sauna.

I ran as fast as possible to the sauna, leaving the others confused. I burst through the door and there was Harry, passed out on the floor. He was extremely sweaty and his skin looked slightly flushed. He was very warm to the touch.

"Harry? Harry!" I called out as I tried to wake him up by gently shaking his shoulder. He still wasn't responding. I started to panic and was about to call for an ambulance when he finally started slowly waking up.

"What's going on?" Zayn asked as he and Niall came in. "I'll tell you later. Harry can you hear me? You ok?" I asked. He nodded slightly and then said "I think so" weakly.

We got him out of the sauna and into a cold shower. He was still very disoriented and couldn't really speak properly. We got him dressed into a robe and brought him to our room where he collapsed onto the bed.

"What happened?" Liam asked as soon as Harry was in the room. I started to explain what I had seen, when Harry interjected "the door wouldn't open, it was really hot and then...I don't know, everything went black" he explained, still a little out of it.

We were all so worried after that, especially since Harry still wasn't completely back to himself yet. "Shir Harry I'm so sorry" Liam said. "Harry I think we should get you checked by a doctor" I said as I helped him lay down since he seemed to be very tired. "It's fine, I don't need a d-" he managed ti say before I think he apparently passed out again.

"Alright I'm going to get someone" Zayn said as he left the room to go get a doctor or something. "Check if the air conditioner is on, he's still very warm!" I ordered Liam. Niall went to see if we had any food to give Harry when he wakes up.

A few minutes later Harry stirred a bit and I sighed in relief. "Hey buddy, how you feeling?" Liam asked. "What's going on?" Harry asked confused as Zayn comes in with a medic next to him.

"He passed out in the sauna and was there for like half an hour unconscious, he may have hit his head, he's been very disoriented since he woke up and he passed out again in laying position a couple minutes ago when we got him back here"I explained to the medic. "Alright thank you, I'll take over now" he replied and started to work on Harry.

~a few moments later~

"Alright, just make sure you get enough fluids and eat well and remember to rest now a couple of days, don't do anything exhausting" the medic said before he packed up and left. Turned out Harry had a heatstroke.




"Ofc love!"

Harry felt a lot better already the next day and a couple days later he was almost completely back to normal luckily. I felt bad for not noticing earlier but Harry said I shouldn't worry about it so I won't.
Yeahh, a bit different and maybe confusing. But hope you liked it!

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