Kidney stone (Liam)

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A little longer one, hope you enjoy<3

This was an idea/request from Faustineggg

Keep in mind that I'm no medical expert so please if there's something that doesn't make sense, just go along with it hahah.

word count: - 2270 words.

Liam's POV

"What a great show mates!" I exclaimed as we arrived backstage after a very good performance. Though we were now exhausted, we were still riding high on the adrenaline from the show. It was a great feeling to know that we had put on a great show for the audience. "Yeah, probably one of the best ones yet" Harry said, after taking a sip from his water bottle.

We returned to the tour bus, relieved to have a day to rest before our next performance. We were all feeling pretty exhausted, so we quickly got ready for bed.

I was the first to wake up the next morning. I didn't feel very well. Hopefully it wasn't a cold or anything serious. Even if it was a cold, I wouldn't mind. Usually, I don't get bad colds anyway so I can carry on with my day as normal - perhaps taking little breaks.

I was in the kitchenette making coffee when I suddenly felt a sharp pain in the side of my tummy. I attempted to push through the pain and finish making coffee. Once that was done I sat down at the table scrolling through my twitter feed and sipping my coffee. I was relieved when the pain wasn't as bad anymore, maybe it was just a one time thing?

A short while later I started feeling nauseous. So I dashed to the bathroom and barely made it in time to vomit into the toilet. I felt so awful that I had to sit on the floor for a few minutes before I could stand up again.

I heard a knock on the door. "Liam? you ok in there?" a voice asked. I opened the door and realized the voice belonged to Louis. "Yeah I'm fine" I said as I didn't just throw up and then walked past him to the bunks. Harry and even Zayn was awake. Niall was probably eating already.

"Hey man, are you okay?" Zayn said, trying to get my attention. "I'm perfectly fine" I said coldly. "Come on, you don't seem okay" Harry said. "I'm just tired that's all" I sighed and finally sat down on the bottom bunk of the bed next to Zayn. Harry and Zayn exchanged looks before getting up and leaving me alone in the room. I laid down, closing my eyes trying to rest a little.

Harry's POV

Liam was acting oddly. Something seemed to be wrong. Zayn and Niall was at the lounge and I was waiting for Louis to come out of the bathroom. "Lou, c'mon, hurry!" I whined. "If you really need to go, there's a bush outside," Louis said with a hint of sarcasm. "Ha ha, very funny, come on let me in" I retorted.

As soon as Louis opened the door, I heard Liam groan from the bunks. So I went to check on him. He looked awful and he was shaking. "Li, youre not fine. What's wrong? Are you cold?" I asked. he nodded and said "the side of my tummy hurts...and I feel nauseous" Liam admitted.

I retrieved a blanket from the couch and handed it to Liam in an attempt to warm him up. "Would you like some hot chocolate or just tea?" I inquired. "No, thank you anyway" Liam said with a polite smile.

"We should probably check your temperature" I said as I walked to our medicine cabinet. I saw the other boys playing video games as I walked by. "Why are you looking in the medicine cabinet?" Niall asked. "Liam is sick, or at least appears to be" I explained.

I grabbed a thermometer and walked back to Liam. "Open your mouth" I said as I put the thermometer in his mouth. After about two minutes, I took it out. "It says you have a fever of 38.8°C (102°F)" I said with a worried look on my face.

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