Stuck with a flu (Harry)

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I am currently sick myself so I just wanted to write a fic about one of the boys being stuck with the flu.

Hope you enjoy!
Btw this is mostly larry 'fluff' so sorry for not icluding the others so much in this.
Word count: ~2300 words.
"Where is Harry?" Niall asked. "He wanted to stay in bed, he's really sick" Louis said. It was the truth, Harry had been really sick this week and it didn't look like he was getting better at all. But for the better, he wasn't getting much worse either.

"Poor buddy, should we go get him something from the tax free?" Liam suggested. The boys were right now on a week lasting cruise trip, they'd have canceled it but Harry insisted not to and they promised to have a little concert there as well.

"Yeah I think that's a good idea" Zayn claimed. The boys then went to the tax free to see if they could find something for their sick friend. "Look at these! It's christmas chocolates fromed like a Christmas tree!" Niall exclaimed happily. "Niall, it's October!" Louis said shaking his head. "I know, but why are they selling Christmas things already then?" Niall pointed out. "Actually, I've been wondering that too" Zayn said.


"Shh, he may be sleeping" Louis ranted as the boys came in from the cabin door. "He's definitely sleeping" Niall said when he heard Harry's snores coming from his bed. "Should we wake him up or...?" Louis asked. "No, I think it's better we let him sleep as long as he's able to" Liam said, slightly reminded the boys why he got the 'daddy direction' nickname.

"Looooouuuuu" Harry moaned (pls not in a sexual way, idk it feels weird to write moan and not mean it that way but yeah anyway continue) from his bed and Louis rushed to him asking "you ok? Want something? Need something?". "Cuddle" Harry answered sleepily. All of the boys awwed (is that a word?), "okay baby, just a minute, we got you some meds and food" Louis said.

Well Harry was asleep again. Louis felt Harry's forhead with his hand and immediately took it of. "He's burning" Louis said, a bit scared. "Maybe just let him sleep now and help him with the meds and foods later, I don't think he'll be able to eat anything right now" Zayn said and everyone agreed.

Louis stayed with Harry as he had wished while the rest of the boys went back to the floor were all stores and restaurants were.

Louis was holding Harry in his arms while brushing a hand through his hair and reading a book at the same time. Harry tightened his grip on Louis, it made him feel safe. Not only for him, for Louis as well.

Suddenly Louis felt something in his pocket vibrating, he put down the book and dug out his phone from his pocket. Liam was calling. "Hey, what is it?" Louis said, slightly annoyed for no reason. "Why grumpy? Anyway, just wanted to ask if you wanted us to bring some Chinese food for you?" Liam asked politely. "Ah man, sorry for that, I'm a bit tired. Uhm, thanks but I think I'll decline your offer this time" Louis answered, in a bit of funny tone.

"Alright sir, have a good evening" Liam joined the funny tone. "You too sir" Louis said and chuckled as he put the phone down. He took a quick look on Harry, who was still sleeping peacefully in his arms, and then took his book again.


Later that night the door bursted open as three tipsy lads climbed in. "Hellloooo lovebirds" Niall sang dramatically. "Shh, they're sleeping, look!" Zayn said and pointed to Louis and Harry sleeping cutely together in their bed. The boys giggled at how cute they were.

Louis had fallen asleep with the book in one hand and Harry in his arms.

"Le's jus's go sleeep yea?" Liam slurred, they had all taken a few drinks and were really tired from a long day. Liam chuckled as he realized Niall and Zayn had already gotten to bed and were fast asleep both of them. Then he climbed up to his bed and fell asleep quickly.

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