Injured (Harry)

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Just a little one...

Originial idea: harry would cut his finger and then need stitches.
Well I got inspired to do a little different.

Oh and tw: blood.

Word count: ~2800 words.



Today the boys just had to film for a music video and do a couple of photo shoots for it. Things were going great. The weather was good, everyone were happy and could enjoy their time.

They had really fun together the whole day. They one more photo shoot before they could go home.

The photo had to be outside, there was a big red telephone booth (I'm not sure what it's called). The managers wanted the boys to climb up on top of it. Which apparently turned out to be a terrible idea.

Harry's P.O.V

I was the one to have to go first since he was I tallest one. Then I started to help the others up. The booth was too big and the producers realised that we all couldn't fit on top of it. So they decided to put me and Liam on top, Louis and Zayn outside, and Niall inside it. I don't think Niall was super glad to be the one inside it...thinking of his claustrophobia. I felt sorry for him.

Suddenly a wind occured. It was not too bad yet but it was hard staying still on the roof of the booth. It was taking ages for the producers to get the photo since it had to be perfect, like perfect angle, perfect looks and perfect environment.

Then the wind became stronger and it started to rain a little. The roof was becoming slippery.

"Uhm we should maybe come down since it's getting slippery up here" Liam said to the producers. "No, you'll be fine, just a few more photos, then you'll be free to go" one of the producers said.

The rain was pouring down and it all happened so quickly. Before I could even say anything to anyone I felt my foot slipping and that's the last thing I remember.

Liam's P.O.V

"Harry!" I yelled when I saw him falling off the roof and his head hitting the concrete. I tried to catch him but it was too late. "Harry?! Harry? Wake up! Someone call 999 (uk)!" Louis said and ran to Harry as I came down the roof as careful as possible.

Zayn and Niall just stood there watching, kind of in schock and not knowing what to do.

"Check his pulse, I'll call" I said to Louis trying to sound calm. But I certainly was not. There was blood running out of the back of Harry's head which made me really worried. I called the ambulance.

The stupid management and producers didn't really do anything. Of course they were worried but they said they didn't want to block the way for anyone. I genuinely think they just don't know what to do in these kind of situations, and they're probably feeling guilty.

Louis's P.O.V

My poor baby was laying unconscious on the concrete bleeding from his head. I had no idea what to do really but I took my hoodie off and folded it and put it carefully under Harry's head. I knew I had to stop the bleeding somehow. It was yet windy but the rain had stopped already.

Then Liam told me to check his pulse. "I can feel it, but it's very weak" I yelled out to Liam. "The ambulance should be here in about 7 minutes" Liam said.

2 minutes later I saw harry slightly moving. "Harry? Try to stay still, help is on the way" I said trying to sound calm and not freak him out. "You slipped off the telephone booth roof" Liam told Harry as calmly as possible.

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