Bronchitis (Harry)

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Alright, so I half stole this idea from Beckyxx06 (I wouldn't say I stole it bc I give you credit :D) I just saw you requesting this from another author but she hadn't done it yet and I got inspiration from it so I hope it's okay that I wrote it!<3. Enjoy!

Word count: ~2000 words

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Word count: ~2000 words.
The boys were on the verge of going onstage. They had arrived in Switzerland earlier that day and were really tired. Nevertheless, they still managed to put on a great show for their fans.

The moment the boys stepped on stage, the audience went crazy. They soon realized it was raining and while being in rain can be fun, too much of it can have its drawbacks.

The boys were drenched and having a blast. "Now it's time for our last song, Best song ever!" Liam announces.

• • •

"Such a great show, the rain made it so much better" Louis remarked as the boys walked backstage, where they were each given a towel to dry off. "Yes I totally agree, I love rain" Niall said.

"Bless you" Zayn said to Harry right after he sneezed. "Thanks" Harry replied with a cute smile.

After the boys had dried off and put on fresh clothes, they made their way to the tour bus. They have one more concert tomorrow, and then the day after they're attending the Brits award show. After that, they'll continue with their tour.

• • •

Harry woke up the next morning with a familiar feeling. 'Ugh not againnn' he groaned into his pillow. The only thing he wanted to do right now was sleep. But he knew he couldn't, no one would let him stay in bed all day, not even himself.

Suprisingly Harry was the one who woke up first today so he had to wake the rest of the boys. He started with the easiest one.

"Hey, Lou, it's time to get up" Harry whispers enough to Louis to wake up. "I'm awake" Louis mumbled while burying his face into his pillow.

The next lad was going to be Niall. But before that Harry had to go to the toilet to blow his nose.

"Time to wake up, Niall" Harry said in a sing-song (if that's a word?) voice. But the effort hurt his throat a little and he ended up coughing. "5 more minutes pleaaase" Niall said sleepily.

"Hazza you alright?" Louis said when he got up and noticed Harry coughing a little again. "Yeah I-" Harry began but had to cough. He took a deep breath in an attempt to quell his wheezing. "Yeah, I think I getting a cold or something".

"Just let me know if you need anything love, okay?" Louis said softly as he walked to the kitchen for some breakfast. Harry nodded in response.

"Niall!" Harry exclaimed as he shook the blonde boy who had fallen asleep. "Urgh....I'm getting uppp!" Niall whined in response. Then Harry had only Liam and Zayn left to wake up.

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