Drugged, help! (Harry/18+)

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Yes, I know I've been doing a lot of Harry/Louis shots lately and there are still coming more. It's requests so I can't really not do it haha. Hope you don't mind anyway <3 and there will be shots of the others as well!
(Also this is NOT a part 2 of the other one)

Hope you like this justthehiddentruth <3

Wordcount: ~1800 words.
One thing yet, WARNING ⚠️. Here will be mentions of r@pe, violence but I try to not be too rough.
The boys had just been invited to a party but they were so tired from the week's work that they didn't know if they would even be up to it. In the end, they still decided to go to the party, they thought that maybe it could cheer them up a bit.

"Did any of you see my red flannel anywhere?" Harry queried as he looked around the house for it. "It's in the washroom!" Louis answered.

The boys were preparing themselves and soon left for the party. They wanted to make sure they all looked their best.

Somehow, they were pretty early at the party and there were just a few people. They felt a little awkward standing around by themselves, so they got a drink and found a place to sit down.

Soon enough people started to arrive and the place was becoming more and more crowded. Harry was tired and not really in a mood to party unlike the rest of the boys. Niall, Liam, Zayn and Louis were having a really great time.

Instead of just sitting on the couch watching other people have fun, Harry decided to go take another drink. He wanted to join the others having fun. The house was now overflowing with people and the music was blaring.

As Harry was making his drink, he felt a hand on his waist and instantly knew it wasn't Louis's. A chill ran down his spine at the stranger's touch. He turned around to see a tall dude with light brown, shoulder-length hair wearing a leather jacket. He also had quite a few piercings.

"Hey handsome" the guy slurred. Harry could tell he was drunk by his bloodshot eyes. "Uhm, I need to go" Harry said nervously. However, the guy wasn't giving up so easily. "Hey, no need to be scared" he said but Harry could tell it wasn't genuine.

"Let me help you with the drink" he said and started finsihing it for Harry. Harry wanted to leave so badly but he was afraid what would happen if he just ran away. "There you go" the guy said as he handed the drink to Harry.

Harry stared at the drink, he wasn't sure if this was a good idea at all. He was such a scary guy but somehow came across as nice. However, he knew that his niceness wasn't genuine. "Uhm, I don't really feel like drinking" Harry said and put the drink down on the table and started to walk away.

The guy grabbed his arm and Harry flinched. "C'mon lad, one sip" The guy said. Harry didn't want to but he thought maybe the guy would leave him alone if he obeyed. So he took a sip from the drink and the guy pressed him to take more.

Suddenly Harry started to feel really weird, he couldn't move and everything was spinning around him. After waiting for a bit, the guy picked up Harry and took him to a bedroom that wasn't full of people.

He tossed Harry on the bed and started taking of his clothes. "Sto-...I dnt want...thi-" Harry slurred weakly, he was pretty much out of it and unable to defend himself. Once the guy had completely undressed Harry he took off his own clothes.

Even though Harry couldn't react to anything because of the drug, there was a visible tear rolling down his cheek as the guy did things that hurt him both mentally and physically. The guy wasn't gentle at all and just continued on for god knows how long.

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