Stuck in an elevator (harry/lirry)

703 21 8

Wordcount: ~1380 words.
Enjoy! <3
—————————————————"Oh my god, that was a damn good but exhausting concert" Liam said as he entered the hotel doors, the others followed behind. "Definitely. It was so nice to sing in the rain after a long time," Louis said. The boys had just held a long concert in the rain for over 40 thousand people.

"How about we go to that bar, there's a special party there" Niall suggested when he saw the poster on the glass door of the bar, next to the counter. "I might not be able to make it today," Harry said tiredly and yawned. "yeah same here, I'm too exhausted for partying today" Liam joined.

The others thought about it for a while. "Actually, I'm not that tired, I could join you if you want Niall" Zayn decided. "Honestly, I want to join too. I need to get my mind off work for a little" Louis said as well.

So Louis, Niall and Zayn decided to go to the party in the hotel's bar while Liam and harry decided to go to sleep after an exhausting day.

Harry's POV

I was unusually tired, we have been doing concerts every day this week non-stop.

Liam and I stepped into the elevetor and the alkward silence was floating in the air. "God I'm exhausted mate" I broke the silence. "Yeah, me too. Luckily we got a day off tomorrow, I don't know if I could have managed another day-" Liam was saying until the elevator comes to a sudden halt, Liam and I were thrown off balance.

We share a moment of eyecontact filled with a bit of fear, at least from my side. No one knew, but I actually suffer from extreme claustrophobia as well.

I try to keep calm but I can only feel the panic raising in my body.

Liam's POV

I can clearly see panic in Harry's eyes as we know for sure we are stuck in the elevator. I tried to reassure him that everything will be okay but nothing seemed to calm him down.

"Liam- we- need to- get out- now" Harry panics and slumps down into a sitting position leaning onto one of the corners. "Harry, listen, we'll be okay, it's okay. Deep breaths, try to uhm- try to keep calm the best you can" I tried to sooth him but realized I wasn't doing a that good of a job.

I tried to push some buttons in the elevetor but nothing happens. So I take out my phone to call someone but of course there's no signal.

I glance at Harry and notice he's having trouble breathing. First I push the red emergency button...still with no answer. Then I crouch down and try my best to somehow calm my friend down.

"Out- out- let me out-" Harry is having trouble forming his words, pulling on the collar of his shirt. "Harry, deep breaths. Count with me 1...2...3...good, 4...5...6..." I tried. But his breathing is only getting heavier. I felt so bad.

Third person POV

Harry can't breath, the panic in him is only rising and he feels like the walls are closing on him. Everything starts to get blurry. "Dizzy" he manages to get out and closes his eyes.

"No Harry, stay with me. Wait, keep your eyes open" Liam says as he stands up and presses the emergency button again. After a little while he can finally hear something. "Hello? Hello? Is there someone?" He asks. "Hello, we are having technical difficulties but we're fixing it right now" the operator said. "FIX IT FASTER THEN MY FRIEND IS HAVING A PANICK ATTACK, HE NEEDS MEDICAL HELP" Liam raises his voice.

"L- Li- Liah- I can't" Harry's voice was weak. "Hold on buddy, they're trying to fix this. Help is on the way, please stay with me" Liam says as he let Harry lay down on his tighs.

Liam tried to find some drink or snack in his pocket but of course today was the only day he didn't have any. "Everything will be okay buddy, don't give up" Liam sais as he rubs Harry's shoulder gently.

"I'm sor-" Was all Harry manage to say before losing consciousness totally. "No! Harry, wake up!" Liam felt so bad and stressed at the same time. Liam was cursing under his breath and then finally heard a click. The elevetor was moving again.

Half a floor down and the elevator dorrs opened. There was a medical team waiting outside. "Fucking finally" Liam cursed.

Harry was given the medical attention he needed and Liam watched closely behind.

Harry slowly starts to flutter his eyes open and immediately panics "Get me out! Get me out!" He shouts. "Sir, calm down. You're out from the elevetor, you're on a couch in the lounge, you had a panick attack and passed out" one of the working medics told him. Harry looks around confusedly.

"Hey bud, are you feeling any better?" Liam asked. "I don't know" Harry replies weakly.

"He's probably tired. The vitals are ok, just make sure he gets some rest and drinks enough fluids and he'll feel better tomorrow. I don't feel like there's a need for hospital now but if he doesn't feel better by tomorrow then let him be checked out by a doctor" the medic explained. "Thank you" Liam shook his hand.

"C'mon, let me help you to bed" Liam said and helped Harry stand up. "C- can we t- take the stairs?" Harry asks with a shaky voice. "Obviously, do you want me to carry you or are you able to walk?" Liam replied.

Harry told him he can walk but as soon as he stood up completely he almost lost his balance so Liam decided to carry him.

Once they were outside of their hotel room Liam put Harry down, still steadied him though and then dug out the room key and opened the door. Liam helped Harry get undressed and then helped him to bed. "I'll go get you a glass of water" Liam said.

After Harry gulped down the whole glass he said he was tired and wanted to sleep. It was late anyway so not long after Liam went to sleep too, he just made sure Harry was comfortable.

~time skip~

The morninng arrived and the first thing Liam did when he woke up was to go check on Harry, but he was still sleeping. So he went to the kitchen to make himself some coffee.

"Morning" a sleepy Louis said as he walked into the kitchen. "Oi, make me some as well" he added as Liam was making the coffee. "Morning sunshine" Liam giggled. "Hungover?" He added.

"Not really honestly, to be fair I didn't drink that much, at least not as much as Zayn or Niall but yeah I do have a headache" Louis said. "Here you go" Liam gave a cup of coffee to Louis.

"Did something happen yesterday?" Louis asked after a while. "Oh that's a long story but shortly, well me and Harry got stuck in the elevetor, Harry had a panic attack and passed out so I called for medical help and yeah he's okay but he needs a lot rest"  Liam explained.

"Why didn't you call me?!" Louis asked in shock. "There wasn't any signal" Liam replied. "I have to go check on my baby now" Louis said and walked over to his bedroom were Harry was sleeping.

In the mean time Zayn and Niall had woken up with bad hungover. "Here" Liam gave them both ibuprofen and some orange juice.

"Hey love, how are you" Louis whispered as he sat himself on Harry's side of the bed and gently rubbed his shoulder. "Mm"

"I heard you had a rough time yesterday, sorry I wasn't there for you" Louis said, feeling a bit guilty. "It's-...okayh" Harry said, still sleepy. "Awh love, hope you're feeling better soon, I'll take care of you and only you today" Louis assured him.

And he did, all of Harry's friends made sure he was feeling better today. Of course he was still in some kind of shock but it helped when he could talk to his four best friends.
Mm im kind of happy woth this but not too much. Hope u liked it though.

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