Severe food posioning (Louis)

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Request/idea from ilangel1
Hope you like this<3.

Word count: ~1600words.
(Kinda) TW: diarrhea and vomiting.

Niall's POV

"This has been quite a day" I said as I slumped down onto the couch in our tour bus.We had just finished a lot of recordings, interviews and other work. We were all very tired. "I know, it's been a long day" Zayn said from the other end of the bus.

"I'm actually quite hungry, anyone wanna go out for some dinner?" Liam asked. "I'm always up for some food, so count me in" I said as I got up from the couch. "We're well aware that you love food, Nialler" Louis said jokingly as he exited the bathroom, with Zayn going in afterwards. "I'm coming too, just need to fix myself up a bit" Zayn said before closing the door.

"So where are we heading?" Harry inquired as he slipped on his blazer. "Nando's?" I suggested, knowing it would make the others laugh. "You act like you've never heard of any other restaurants" Liam joked in response.

"I know, I know...I love Nando's so much!" I said. "Alright then" Liam said chuckling a little. "Are you guys ready?" he asked. We began walking towards the Nando's closest to us once everyone was ready.

The walk there was mostly silent, but that was okay because I was busy thinking about how great it would be to eat some delicious chicken.

Louis's POV

We arrived at the restaurant and were quickly seated by the hostess. Once we were all seated, menus were placed in front of us and everyone began looking through them.

I was really hungry, I felt like could've eaten five meals. A waitress came to take our orders a short while later. The waitress took our orders and went to the kitchen.

We all enjoyed our meals and were about head back to the bus now. "One sec, I just gotta go to the bathroom" I said as I realized I didn't feel so well.

I walked into the bathroom and saw that the line was really long. I didn't feel like waiting so I decided to just go in a stall. As soon as I sat down, everything came out. I had no idea I was on the toilet for ten minutes until I saw a text from Harry that said, "You good Lou?".

I responded to him saying that I was okay, even though I wasn't. I just didn't want anyone else to see our convorsation if I would have told the truth (in detail).

I started to feel nauseous and my stomach was making weird noises. After I finished using the restroom, I walked out to find the boys with concerned looks on their faces. "You sure you alright?" Liam asked. "I think I just ate something my stomach didn't agree with, but I'm feeling better now" I said, trying to reassure them.

I suddenly felt nauseous and before I could say anything, I vomited all over the floor in the restaurant. It was extremely embarrassing. Once I was finished, I just fled as far away as possible.

But Harry caught up to me pretty quickly. I felt his hand on my back.

Harry's POV

Louis had just bolted from the restaurant after he suddenly vomited on the floor. I could tell he was embarrassed, so I ran after him. The other boys said they would pay for the food and take care om the mess.

I put a hand on Louis's back when I found him sitting on a bench nearby, his head in his hands. I tried to comfort him by saying, "It's okay, Louis. Things like that happen" as I rubbed his back. "I feel like such an idiot. Everyone witnessed it, and the staff must hate me" he said between sobs.

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