Food poisoning in Amsterdam (Niall)

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Right now when I' writing this I'm in a plane on my way to Amsterdam because my mom has work there and I got to go with her.

And this idea just crossed my mind so hope you like it!
Wordcount: ~1700 words.

Oh and one more thing, requests are on the way.
Concert after concert, tour after tour, it was exhausting but could be fun at times as well. Though, this time, the visit in Amsterdam didn't go as planned.

Liam's POV

We had just landed in Amsterdam and we were having two concerts here, one tonight and one tomorrow then we would have one day free and then head out for our next country.

"What should we do first?" Louis inquired. "Maybe we could we could go throw our baggage to our hotel and then go straight to town, so we can see stuff before the concert.

"Yes sounds good but I'm pretty tired, couldn't we just rest for like half an hour and then go?" Harry suggested. "That's fine with me" Zayn said and Niall nodded in agreement. So we decided to have a little rest at the hotel and then head out to town. We didn't have much free time before the concert so we didn't want to waste too much time.

About an hour later we were finally ready and started to walk towards the mall nearby, it was a really big mall so I guess we would have to spend all day there or at least somewhere nearby.

"Hey there's Nando's! I'm starving!" Niall exclaimed as soon as we arrived at the mall. Always, he was always hungry.

"Sure Niall, we can go there if it's okay woth everyone" I chuckled. "Yeah, honestly I'm a bit hungry too" Louis pointed out. So we went there and ordered some food.

Niall's POV

"Urgh, this was great. Now I'm not gonna need food for the next-...hour" I said and we all laughed.

We had been all day at the mall and only now, a few hours later after Nando's, I'm starting to feel a bit weird. Though I decided to not mention it to anyone yet.

"Hey, sorry, can I go use the bathroom real quick?" I asked politely. I hated to slow everyone down but I really needed to go. "Of course, no need to hurry, we have plenty of time" Liam said, checking his watch.

I rushed to the bathroom and right when I arrived I quickly got in and it didn't take long until I was puking my guts out. Ugh I hated every moment, how was I supposed to perform on stage in about two hours...

Harry's POV

"You ok?" I asked Niall as he came out of the bathroom looking like death. "Mhm" he responded. "You look a bit peaky, are you sure you're okay?" Louis asked him. "Yeah I'm fine, felt just a bit nauseous but I think it's over now" Niall explained.

Well it didn't take long until he was rurshing to the bathroom again. Though this time I followed him, I just wanted to know what was wrong.

"Niall? Are you there?" I knocked in the door. "Yeah" he answered weakly. "What's wrong? Tell me, please!" I pleaded.

"Whatever, well I feel awful...after Nando's I started to feel weird and then the nauseousness hit me. And I-" he managed to say before vomiting. "Unlock the door please, I want to help" I said but he didn't obey. "Niall please"

I was just about to go tell the others when thr door opened. "Oh gosh Niall you look awful" I told him. "Thanks but I know, I feel so too" he replied.

"Hey hey, easy" I said as he almost collapsed, and then I put my arm around his waist and his arm around my shoulder. Then we walked to meet up with the others.

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