Hurt but hides it (Louis)

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This is quite random but yeah, enjoy<3.

wordcount: -1300 words.

Louis's POV

We were in the midst of a tour but fortunately the management allowed us to have a day off before traveling to another state. I woke up first this morning.

I got out of bed carefully, making sure not to wake Harry up. Harry and I weren't allowed to share a bed or even be in the same room, but management didn't know that we switched places with Zayn.

I was feeling energetic and decided to go for a morning run. I changed into my running clothes and quietly went outside.

I started jogging and felt great. I was admiring the view as I jog when suddenly I tripped over a stone that blended in with the pavement. My ankle twisted when I fell, causing me immense pain.

I attempted to stand, but 'oh no, no, oh shit' - I immediately panicked when I felt pain in my left ankle. Harry was the first person I wanted to call, but then I remembered that I had left my phone at the hotel.

I didn't really have a choice, so I got up, gritting my teeth against the pain in my ankle and limped back to the hotel. Though it had only been 20 minutes, it felt like I had been gone for much longer.

Niall was the only one awake. "Where have you been?" He inquired. "I was out for a jog and then-" I began to reply but then stopped, feeling embarrassed and foolish. So instead of saying anything else, I just remained silent.

Niall's POV

I could tell that Louis wasn't being completely honest with me. "Then what?" I asked him. "Uh...nothing...I just felt energetic and went for a morning run, that's all" he explained reluctantly.

He began walking to his room and something seemed odd. It was like I could sense that something was wrong but couldn't put my finger on it.

"Hey Lou, are you sure you're feeling okay?" I asked, concerned. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine" he replied. But I could tell that something was bothering him.

Louis's POV

I was in a lot of pain from my ankle injury. I sat on the edge of my bed and slowly took off my shoe and then sock. It hurt like hell. My ankle was significantly swollen and purple/blue in color.

"Fuq...This can't be good" I muttered to myself. "Lou? Are you okay? What's not good?" Harry sleepily mumbled. I made eye contact with him and said reassuringly, "Oh's nothing. Don't worry about it. Morning Haz."

I attempted to stifle my cries as I painfully rose from the bed.

Harry's POV

"You wanna go eat some lunch??" I asked. "YES! I'm starving!" Niall said. "You just ate a sandwich like 10 minutes ago" Liam pointed out. "That feels like forever ago" Niall said. We all chuckled.

As we walked to get lunch, I noticed Louis looking a bit peakish. "Hey Lou, you okay? You look pale," I said as I made eye contact with him. "I-...I'm okay...just keep going," he said. I was about to do so but the first step he took, he just collapsed to the ground and screamed.

"LOU?!" I yelled and kneeled next to him "What's wrong?". "My ank-...le. It huuurts!" Louis said, on the verge of tears. "I had a feeling something was off" Niall said loudly.

"What should we doooo?" I asked. "Should we call an ambulance?" Zayn inquired. "Yeah, I'm calling one right now" Liam replied as he grabbed his phone from his pocket.

I removed my jacket and placed it beneath Louis's ankle. "It'll be alright, help is on the way. Why didn't you tell us? When did this happen?" I inquired.

"I-...'m sorry I just thought it was stupid...I was on a morning run and then I stumbled on a rock and-...yeah that's about it" he said, grimacing at the pain.

It was difficult to see him in that state. "When will the ambulance arrive?!" I asked, starting to feel panicky. "They said it would be five minutes, Liam told us.

"I feel so stupid...sorry I didn't tell you guys" Louis said, a tear rolling down his cheek. "Hey, don't cry," I said, wiping the tear away.

"It's okay, Lou. Just tell us next time and we'll help you out," Liam said. "Why didn't you go to the doctor when it first started getting bad?" Niall asked. Louis took a deep breath before replying, "I guess I just didn't think it was that serious...I-" He trailed off, he then closed his eyes.

"Lou?...Louis? okay?" I asked. He nodded slightly and said " just hurts...and I feel a bit lightheaded". "You didn't hit your head or anything?" Zayn asked. Louis shook his head.

Louis's POV

I began to feel faint. "Hey, stay with us Lou..." Harry said. "Is it that serious?" I heard Liam ask. But all I wanted was to close my eyes and rest.

I could hear the sirens and soon saw two men in uniforms running towards me. Everything was a little blurry but I knew something was happening. All the voices sounded so far away.

I then heard Harry say "he's losing consciousness, we need to go". I was loaded into the ambulance and the next thing I knew, I woke up in a hospital bed. My ankle was in a cast and I had an IV on my hand.

Harry, Niall, Liam and Zayn were all there. "Hey" Harry said softly as he squeezed my hand. "How are you feeling?" Niall asked. I shrugged even though it hurt to do so and replied "not too bad, actually".

I then saw the worry in their eyes and knew that they were just glad that I was okay. "Your ankle was fractured and required surgery," Harry explained to me. "So now you're basically 5% Iron man" Niall joked.

"did I pass out?..why did I pass out? it like normal...I mean it's just a fracture..." I asked. "The doctor explained that you fainted due to the pain in your ankle...but you were also suffering from dehydration" Liam said.

"How does your ankle feel now?" Zayn asked. "I'm okay for now but when the pain medication wears off, I'm going to feel a lot of pain I think"I said.


Harry's POV

I woke up to find myself in a chair, my head resting on Louis's body as he lay in bed. I saw a nurse checking on him and she greeted me warmly, "good morning sir". "Good morning, when can he come home?" I inquired. "Today" she replied with a smile."if he feels good when he wakes up, he'll be free to go, just make sure he takes it easy for a while" the nurse said. I nodded.

A few minutes later the nurse had left and Louis started to wake up. "Mornin' Boo" I said smiling. " I get to go home now?" He asked. I chuckled a little, he had just woken up and already wanted to go home. "If you feel good enough" I told him. "yeah...I do..." he said. "okay, jus' let me go grab a nurse" I said.

I came back to the room with a nurse and she said Louis was healing well and could be discharged.

After I helped Louis get dressed, I gave him the crutches that the nurse had given me. "Remember, you need to take it easy for six weeks" I said. "I will, I promise." He said as he gave me a hug. "Thank you for being here for me." "Anytime." I said as we walked out of the hospital together.

The tour bus was waiting outside and I helped Louis get in. "Heyaa lads, Lou how are you feeling?" Liam asked. "I'm good, just a little tired." Louis said.

The tour went on as normal and Louis seemed to be getting better and better.

Yeah I know this was maybe a little more dramatic than actually stumbling on a rock would be but I wanted to keep the story interesting and not just like oh I stumbled wups, broken ankle, healed.

Coming up (not in this order):
- back pain
- migraine
- food poisioning
- kidney problems
- lost and injured & bad weather (possibly a follow up with a cold)
- seizure alone (pt 2)

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