Severe dehydration (Liam)

622 9 2

Word count: ~1750 words.
The boys had a lot on their plate today, with interviews, photo shoots and a meet & greet all scheduled. It was sure to be a stressful day.

The stress made the boys tired. Liam was really exhausted and had a bad night's sleep. He felt like he had been running for hours and his body ached all over. He was so tired that he could barely keep his eyes open, but he forced himself to stay awake.

The boys tended to forget things like eating and drinking water when they were stressed. The management really put a lot of pressure on them.

The boys were waiting outside a room where they would soon have the first interview of the day. Liam and Harry were sitting on armchairs, and the others sat on the sofa.

"Are you feeling alright, Li?" Harry inquired, noticing that the boy looked like he was about to fall asleep. "I'm okay...just a little tired. I didn't sleep much last night" Liam answered, yawning afterwards.

"We can get started now" the young woman said as she opened the door to the boys. She greeted them cordially and let them in.

There was a sofa and table in the room. The light was very harsh, which wasn't doing Liam any favors in his current state.

"Please, have a seat" the woman said as she pointed to the couch. She sat in a chair with questions written on a sheet of paper on her lap. "Should we get started? Are you all ready?" she asked. And the boys nodded in response.

The first interview went well. It was a bit boring because the boys were so sick of answering the same questions over and over again, but at least it was brief.

"Which album were you most excited to work on?" The interviewer inquired. "I'd say four" Liam responded. "I think...uhm...I'd say the 'take me home' album" Harry said. "Yeah me too" Louis said.

"Thank you for coming in" the interviewer said as he showed the boys out. The boys walked to their car, then headed to another location where they'd be interviewed again.

The ride was short, only 10 minutes, but it was silent. When they arrived, a woman in her 30s greeted them. They were told to stand around a table, and then the interview started.

"Liam?" Louis says, nudging him slightly. Liam shakes his head to clear his thoughts and responds, "what?". "She asked you a question!" Louis said. "oh sorry, I was daydreaming. Could you repeat the question?" Liam asked. "Of course, no worries" the interviewer said, "I was wondering what type of girl you're attracted to".

After the interview, the boys were able to take a lunch break. "I'm going to use the restroom, wait for me" Liam announced before he walked down the hall to the toilets.

He didn't actually need to use the bathroom. He was so exhausted that he thought a quick splash of water on his face might help refresh him. So, he cupped a little water in his hands and splashed it on his face. He felt momentarily refreshed but then when he was about to leave, he felt strange and a bit dizzy. He lowered himself into a sitting position and leaned against the door for support. He just wanted to make the dizzy feeling go away. Suddenly everything went black.

Liam woke up to find himself slumped against the door, on the floor. 'Did I just?...' he tought to himself, suspecting he fainted because he had no other explanation for what just happened.

He slowly stood up and then went to the boys. "Where were you?" Niall inquired. "We were getting worried. Are you alright?" Zayn said concernedly. "I'm just a bit tired, that's all" Liam responds. He didn't want to tell the boys because he didn't want to be a bother or interrupt the work that was already half done. "What the hell took you so long then? You fall asleep or something?" Louis inquired. "No, but it was close" Liam replied with a chuckle.

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