Kidnapped (Louis)

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I have just started writing this but I feel like this either ends up being pretty innocent or extremely fierce/harsh haha.

anyways, enjoy :D

Word count: -2080 words.

The boys had just finished their third concert in London. Their next stop would be Ireland before they head off to Europe. But they had a few days of before that.

Louis's POV

It was late at night, and everyone else was asleep. But for some reason I couldn't get any sleep. So I got out of my bunk and went outside to get some fresh air.

I walked around the streets letting my thoughts run in my head. But I had a strange feeling, like I was being watched. Or maybe I was just paranoid.

I tried to walk in the opposite direction, but it felt like someone was following me no matter where I went. I quickly went back to the bus.

I got back to my bed and tried to sleep again. I spent a good hour or so just lying there and staring at the ceiling before I finally fell asleep.

Harry's POV

I woke up feeling refreshed and great, I haven't felt this good in a while. Then I noticed Louis, who was sweating and shaking in his bunk.

"hey, hey..Louis..Wake up" I said softly as I gently tapped his shoulder. He was crying in his sleep. I shook him a little harder. He woke up with a start and yelled "STOP CHASING ME!" in terror.

I comforted him with a hug and said "Shh, it's alright, it was just a nightmare". He started sobbing onto my shoulder.

After some time he finally stopped and I looked him in the eyes. "You okay? wanna talk about it?" I asked softly. "It was really strange...I was being chased by someone in my dream, but every time they got closer, I started feeling more pain all over my body. And everyone around me just disappeared." He said quietly.

"It's alright, was just a bad dream. See? You're safe now," I said as I pulled him into another hug.

We got up and I started making breakfast after some time. I wanted to make Louis feel better, so I made him pancakes in the shape of his favourite animal. It might have been a little silly, but still cute.

"Time for breakfast!" I announced to the others.

I felt the happiness in my heart when I saw Louis's smile appear when I gave him the pancakes.

-Time skip-

Niall's POV

I was really bored because we hadn't done anything yet today, so I suggested to my friends that we go check out the new club down the street. And they all agreed.

We began getting ready and then left for the club 30 minutes later. The music was really good and we were all having a great time.

However, I observed that Louis didn't seem to be enjoying himself as much as the rest of us. I approached him and inquired "Hey Lou? is everything okay?"."yeah, yeah, it's fine, I just have this weird someone is watching me or something," he replied. I told him not to worry and that I would keep an eye on him, but he didn't seem convinced.

The music was so loud that it was difficult to hear anything. Not to forget that it was so crowded that it was hard to see anything aswell.

I also informed the others about Louis' situation and Harry told me that Louis had a nightmare about someone chasing him last night. We all agreed to keep a close eye on him, just to be safe. Unfortunately, our plan didn't go as smoothly as we hoped.

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