Sick & injured at football match (Louis)

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Hope you like it <3

Wordcount: ~2060 words.
Louis's POV

I felt completely fine yesterday and now I woke up feeling like shit. Which is bad because I don't have time to be sick right now. I have work at daytime and a football match on the evening.

I got up from my bunk and went to the bathroom for a quick wee. "Good morning Lou" Harry said as I exited the bathroom. "Hi" I said, my voice was a bit sore. He asked me if I was alright and I told him yes. I can't have anyone worrying about me today, it's a long and an important day for us.

"Niall, Liam and I have made breakfast, come eat" Harry said and I sat down around the table with them. "Is Z still sleeping?" I asked as we were taking food. "Yeah, he woke up early and ate a little so he said we could eat big breakfast without him. He needs his beauty sleep" Niall answered.

We had fun time eating and chatting along until I felt nauseous out of a sudden. I quickly covered my mouth with my hand and ran to the bathroom. Then I emptied my stomach...

When I was done I sat down for a moment because I still felt weak. After I felt a bit better I went back to the others. "Are you okay, Louis?" Liam asked me, concern written in his eyes. "Mhm" I replied as I sat back down at the table. He looked at me a bit sceptically but then seemed to believe, luckily.


Harry's POV

Louis seemed a bit off today but maybe he was just tired after a lot of work lately. We sat in complete silence in the car.

"What's on your mind Lou? You have been extra quiet todsy?" I quiered as he seemed to be in another world. "Huh? Nothing much, just a bit nervous for tonight" he replied, which was understandable but I was sure he'd do great, as always.

When we areived at our studio we started immediately with some work like rehearsing, sound checks and all that.

"Should we go grab some lunch before we head to the arena?" Zayn asked just as we were finished with today's work. "OF COURSE!" Niall exclaimed, causing everyone to chuckle a bit.

"Alright, everyone ready?" Liam asked as he took the drivers spot and drove us all to the nearest food place. Everything was going fine until our foods arrived.

Louis's POV

Just my luck of course. Just as the food arrived I felt another wave of nauseousness hit me and I had to run to the bathroom. Unfortunately I didn't manage to the bathroom and threw up in front of the door. Fuck they saw it probably.

"Louis!" I heard Harry yell from the table, what was I supposed to say now? "Hey, you ok?" Harry asked as he placed a hand on my back. "Here" he added as he gave me a tissue to wipe my mouth.

"I'm okay, I think my stomach is just going crazy because of nervousness. Thanks Haz" I told him, hoping that he'd believe. Well he didn't believe. He put a hand on my forhead and said "you're burning, Louis why didn't you tell us?".

Apparently I was sweating too since I felt something dripping from my forhead. "I- I knew you'd not let me do the match today if you knew I was sick" I admitted. "And you are absolutely right on that, no way you're going to it today" Harry said firmly. "But Harry I-"

"No buts" he said and helped me up. "C'mon, let's go tell the others" he added. I didn't really want to skip the match so I had to come up with a plan how to get there without anyone noticing.

While the boys were eating I was thinking of a plan. "Louis?" I heard someone say suddenly. "Huh what?" I said, hadn't heard anything. "Where are you at? You seem completely off this world today?" Zayn said. "Yeah, we are leaving, you wanna stay here or?" Liam said.

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