Skateboarding accident (Louis)

423 16 4

Requested by: Juu_331
Wordcount: ~1200 words.
Right after the tour ended, the boys decided to just hang out at home for the rest of the week. "Should I shake something?" Louis asked bored as he sat next to Harry on the couch. "Actually I can't do anything today, we had work ALL WEEK last week...WITHOUT BREAKS. I'm EXHAUSTED" Niall said dramatically. "Niall, that's just like our every other week, last week was nothing new" Harry replied chuckling a little.

"What if we go try out your new skateboard that you got for Christmas?" Harry suggested to Louis. "Wait damn, that's a great idea! Let's go now!" Louis said excitedly and immediately went to pack the stuff.

"Hey Liam and Zayn, me and Louis are going to the store to try Louis' new skateboard, do you want to come and try it too?" Harry asked as he passed the kitchen where Liam and Zayn were drinking coffee.

"Thanks for asking, but we're really exhausted, maybe next time" Zayn answered. "That's great though, now you can say you're going on a date with Louis" Liam laughed. "Yeah, really funny Li, okay, we'll go now, see you later" Harry said and then he and Louis went out and started walking towards the skate park.

The boys thought for a moment how to start, but a few minutes later things started to flow. Louis taught Harry to skate. "So you put one foot on the board like this," Louis instructed Harry. "Then you hold your hands like this, and you pick up speed with the other foot asn then lift it to the board as well"

Harry tried his best but it didn't go so well. "Hopeless! I'm a hopeless case!" Harry exclaimed in frustration in himself. "Hey, don't worry, you'll learn. Let me show" Louis took the board in his own feet and was about to show Harry how to skate.

However, he hadn't noticed a loose tire on his skateboard. So as he was leaving, the tire came loose completely and Louis lost his balance and flew to the ground with a hard thud following by.

"LOUIS?!" Harry screamed in fear when he saw what was happening. "Louis! Louis? Can you hear me?" Harry asked as he approached Louis. Louis wasn't moving so Harry was ready to call an ambulance until he saw Louis' eyes flickering open.

"Hey love, does something hurt?" Harry asked relieved that Louis was waking up. "W- What happened?" Louis asked confused as he tried to sit up unsuccessfully. Harry pushed him gently back down and told him to lay still.  "Try to not move baby".

"Okay Lou, I'm going to call an ambulance for you now, does something else hurt? Can you show me?" Harry asked as he took out his phone to call 999. Louis thought for a moment and gently moved his arms and legs until he felt a terrible pain in his left ankle, Louis almost started crying as the pain was so bad. "So the left ankle? Are the other limbs okay?" Harry asked again and then called for help. Louis nodded.

While on the phone with the ambulance, Harry cautiously undid the neck strap to help Louis' airway work better.

~an hour later~

"Oh my phone is ringing- oh Harry has been spamming the groupchat a lot" Liam said as he picked up his phone. Liam, Zayn and Niall had been watching a movie together while Louis and Harry was on their 'date'.

He picks up the phone and his face expression immediately turns into concern as he hears Harry panicking. "Harry, easy, easy. What happened?"

"Well we were having fun and Louis was about to show me a trick but then he fell and got hurt" Harry explained in one breath. "Where are you now" Liam asked curiously. "In the hospital, Louis was just taken to the procedure room"

"Okay, it's not too bad is it? Okay good. We'll be there in 20" Liam replied and hung up. He told Zayn and Niall and they all rushed to the car.

20 minutes later the boys arrived in the hospital and they saw Harry sitting at a chair in the waiting room looking worried as hell. "Hey, any news on Louis?" Niall asked as they approached. "No but they said it's only a bad sprain so no surgery needed" Harry replied, not taking his eyes off the room Louis was in.

Suddenly harry feels like a stone is rolling away from his heart when he sees Louis coming towards them on crutches, a smiling doctor behind him. "Louis!" all the boys shouted at the same time and ran to hug him gently.

Louis was still a little out of it but in better shape than an hour ago. "Hey mate, how's your ankle?" Zayn asked. "It hurts a lot when I move it, but I get strong painkillers" Louis answered. "Can we go home? I would like to rest a bit now" he added tiredly after a yawn.

The doctor took charge of the situation and started giving instructions to the boys. "So, Louis has a pretty bad sprain in his ankle, but luckily not bad enough to need surgery" the doctor began. "He also has a minor concussion and this would require someone to wake him up a couple of times during the night so that his level of consciousness does not drop unnoticed" he continued.

"Thank you doc" Harry said and the boys started walking slowly towards the car. The doctor had also given them prescriptions for Louis' painkillers, which they had to pick up at the pharmacy along the way home.

"Shh" Harry said all of a sudden as the boys were a little too loud singing along to the music in the car. "What? Why are you sushing?" Niall asked confused from the front seat. "Look" Harry whispered and pointed to Louis who had fallen asleep in Harry's arms. He looked so small. "Aww omg I need a picture!" Niall got excited.

~at home~

The boys had managed to carry Louis to his bed without waking up so he was able to rest now.

Harry decided to go make something to eat for Louis, even if he wasn't hungry now and needed to rest, he might be when he woke up.

Harry made two heart-shaped sandwiches and put them in the fridge afterwards.  "Aww, you're such cute lovebirds," Niall said coming into the kitchen. "Where were Zayn and Liam?"  Harry asked after not seeing them for a while. "They are resting in Liam's room. I'm not tired at all so I came to the kitchen for some food" Niall laughed a little. "Okay, now if you want we can do something later, maybe play cards or something" Harry suggested and Niall thought it was a good idea.

The boys took good care of Louis, everyone took turns so no one had to look after him around the clock and exhaust himself. But Louis managed well enough on his own too. After a few weeks he was back to his normal self and could finally start doing normal things like running and jumping around the stage.
Sorry for a boring chaper tbh i couldn't just come up with anything, im sorry. Hope you liked anyway.

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