Sick (Niall) part 1

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Request by: @ilovejustin665
Wordcount: ~1800 words.
—————————————————Niall's POV

"Ugh...I hate this" I groaned the second I woke up. I felt that the flu was already coming yesterday but I didn't think it would come so soon. The headache made me feel like my head was going to explode.

I take my phone to check the time, 4:33 in the morning, "fuck, that wasn't good" I think. So I got up from my bed which was the upper part of the bunk bed and went to the bathroom to check if we had any medicine in the medicine cabinet.

I tried my very best not to rustle too much so as not to wake the others. "Advil, Cortaid, Lotrimin..." I had no idea what any of these were. "Ah! Here, ibuprofen!" I found what I was looking for. I immediately took two of them, hoping they would ease the pain in my head right now. I climbed back up to my bed, careful not to wake Zayn who was sleeping under me.

I closed my eyes and it feels like not even a second had passed before I'm woken up by Louis. "C'mon, wake up man! We have work!"

I gave him a blank stare, "what?".

"What what?" he asked confused. I was still so sleepy that I hadn't even understood what he said. "We have work today, you have to get up now Niall! Everyone else is waiting for you!" Louis added.

"Wait is it today?" I asked, still half asleep. "Niall you're confusing me, wake up you sleepyhead!" Louis voiced as he threw a pillow at me.

I groaned as I got out of my bunk like a goddamn worm and then stood up. As i stood up I started to feel a bit lightheaded so I sat myself down on Zayn's bunk quickly, which was the one under mine.

I saw Louis' expression change to concern. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked croaching down to make eye contact but I had my hands covering my face. "Yeah I guess, just stood up a bit too fast" I mumbled into my hands.

"C'mon, breakfast is already ready, we'll be in a bit of a hurry soon" Louis said as he gave me a hand to help me up. "Thanks".

When we entered the kitchen section of the tour bus we were thrown many confused looks. "What took so long? We've already eaten" Liam frowned. "Is everything okay?" He added.

Harry's POV

Niall seemed to be in a world of his own. I was already a little worried in the morning because usually it was Zayn who woke up last and not Niall. When they got to the kitchen, he seemed a little lost. "Hey Niall, you okay? You look a little pale?" I had to point out, I was worried that he wasn't feeling well and we were pushing work too hard. Not that we could actually decide whether we would have work or not, but if we knew that one of us was unwell, we could at least take it a little easier.

"Niall?" I asked again. He seemed lost, I noticed he was starting to sweat too. "Huh? What?" He suddenly asks, everyone was a bit concerned, this was not our Niall. He was definitely not okay. "No guys, I'm fine. Let me just eat something quick and we can go to work" he tells us, this was weird. One second he's in another world and the other he's just like nothing happened.

"Uhm Niall, are you sure you're okay? The others are right, you do look a bit peaky" Zayn finally said something. He was not that talkactive and definitely not in the mornings. But he cared, just like the rest of us.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine! Do we have cereal?" Niall said as he looked in the drawer full of cutlery. Which made us really concerned. He wasn't himself at all. "Niall, that's the cutlery drawer" Liam said, giving us a worried look.

"Oh, yeah my bad" he said and found the right cupboard. Niall started putting water in the bowl and we all just watched him in total confusion. "Nah this is enough, Niall what the hell is going on?" Louis asks and puts his hand on Niall's sweaty forhead. "Shit, you're burning buddy you need to go back to bed" He added as his expression turned when he felt Niall's forhead. "I'll call Paul, Niall can't come to work today like this. I mean someone has to stay with him?" Liam said, "I can" Louis replied eagerly.

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