Harry, you alright? (you choose)

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Alright, now first I want to thank everyone who commented and I'm really sorry if you didn't get what you wanted, remember you can always give me requests and I'll write it for you as soon as I am able. (Also, I needed to change some things to write as good as possible)

Secondly it got really thight with (car-)/sick or ED so I decided to do both. Also if you're struggling with an ED I want you to know that there's help for you, I know it's hard but loving yourself is really important and your body image is a part of that. I know it's easier to say than done, I am in the same boat but we're not alone <3.

Now to the story, enjoy <3.

Wordcount: ~3240 words.
One Direction has been touring all year non-stop, which was really tiring for the boys, it even took down a lot on their mental health.

Especially for the youngest, this situation started to be quite stressful. They didn't have time to eat or sleep or do anything like a normal person. All the time went to gigs, concerts, and other work stuff like singing rehearsals, promos, photo shoots, interviews...you name it.

Right now the boys were getting ready for the gig in their dressing room. They've had a really busy day today. "Is everything alright Harry?" Louis asked seeing Harry's blank face. "Oh- uhm yeah, shall we go?" Harry said and the boys went to stand on the platform of the stage that would lift them onto the stage when it was time to start.

The concert started and immediately you could hear the screams and shouts of the fans, the boys' adrenaline rose and everyone was really excited.

"WHAT'S UP LOS ANGELES?!" Niall screamed into the mic and all the fans screamed. "Let us start with a proper banger called Rock Me!" he continued and the music started playing.

The vibes were great and almost the whole concert went perfectly. A little slippering due to the wet floor after the water war, but otherwise it all went perfect, and no one got hurt, it was all fun.

The boys were on the tour bus on their way to the hotel, from where they will leave immediately tomorrow for the next concert venue. "I'm so tired!" Zayn stated. "Yeah me too, let's just go straight to sleep" Liam said.

Everyone had already went to sleep but Harry had a bit falling asleep. So he went to the kitchen to make some tea. While he was waiting he was checking social media on his phone. He saw a lot of photos and tweets saying mean things about Harry and his body. Some were not intensionally hurtful but they still were and some were more mean.

"Fat faggot haha, new nickname!"
"The fat one should maybe stay away from the cameras!"
"Chubby cheeks, too many sweets maybe?"
"He looks like that animal who stuffes its cheeks with some nuts hahahah"
"Have he seen himself in a mirror in a while? He's gained a lot of weight since I last saw him"
"He's gonna end up like my dad! A gay beer-drinking piece of shit"

After all those (and more, a lot more and mean) comments Harry couldn't take it anymore and put his phone away. Then the kettle went on and Harry rushed to turn it off.

He made himself his tea and after he drank it, he went back to bed. As he arrived to the room he saw Louis sleeping all over the bed and he smiled at it. Then crawled into his side and hugged Louis tightly. Eventually he dozed off.

The next morning the boys were quite busy, but this time they had time to eat breakfast, unlike yesterday. "Aren't you hungry Harry?" Zayn asked a little worriedly at the dining table when the others were eating like it was the last day of their life and Harry's plate was completely empty.

"Um, I'm not. I'll eat later" Harry said and tried to smile so that the boys would buy his lie. "You probably won't have time to eat anything else today before the evening, now have something Haz, even a loaf of bread is okay" Liam said, getting into daddy direction mode. Harry couldn't really escape the situation so he did as Liam suggested. He ate a loaf of bread with some butter, cheese and slices of cucumber.

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