Beaten (Lilo - bromance)

588 15 6

TW* Violence!

It is 2:14am rn so please if here are any typos of weirdness just blame me being tired okay.
(Edit: im at 1620 words and the time is 3:53am)

Wordcount: ~2380 words.
One direction spent most of the days together either working or at their house. Today though was an exception since only three of them had work whilst the rest two had a free day.

"Lucky guys, have a nice day while the rest of us are wasted at work" Niall said half-jokingly as he passed the kitchen where Liam and Louis where having coffee. "Yes sir" Louis replied without looking up from the magazine he was reading, holding his blue coffee mug in his other hand.

"Oh, erm where's Harry?" Liam asked. "Probably in the bathroom, he said he can't decide which shampoo to use because all of them smells too good" Zayn answered, laughing a little.

"He must have learned it from Louis" Niall laughed. "Hey!" Louis exclaimed.

"Come on kids, shall we go then? Harry, Hurry up!" Zayn said, feeling like a mother at the moment. "Coming!" The boys heard Harry shout from upstairs.

When the others had left and only Louis and Liam were in the house, it got pretty quiet. Neither of them had any idea what to do with their free day.

After a while, Louis broke the silence, "I guess I'm going for a walk, do you want to come along?" he asked. "No thanks, I'm pretty tired, so I thought I'd go take a nap or sth" Liam answered. "Okay have fun napping then"

"You too walking".

Liam went to his room, closed the door and put on some music into his ears through headphones and just relaxed, eventually falling asleep.

Louis again, put on his blue jacket and white sneakers and went outside to go on his walk.

Louis walked and walked, completely in his own thoughts, escaping reality. Later, he notices that he has walked into a dead end where he cannot continue forward and has to turn back the way he came. However, turning around, he was surprised to see two big muscular men standing in front of him.

"Uhm, excuse me, could I pass?" Louis tries to ask politely but these men just laugh out loud in Louis's face. "Where do you think you're going kiddo?" one of the men laughs in a mean manner.

Louis notices how he starts to get more and more scared, swallowing feels difficult and he starts sweating and breathing faster. He tries to dig out his phone to call Liam but one of the men notices it and rips Louis's phone out of his hand and throws it to the ground and then stomps on it several times. "Stop!" Louis yells angrily.

"Aww look, little boy is mady mad" one man says in a baby voice. "What do you want from me?!" Louis asks, half shouting.

"Now shut it you little faggot. We don't need people like you in our country. My son saw you kissing another bOy and now he thinks he's gAy! All because of you, fucking life ruiner" the man spits. The other man goes behind Louis as the other continues. "And this, this is a payback-"

"Or what if your son is actually gay?"

"Shut the fuck up- you don't know anything" the man says and gives a nod to the other man standing behind Louis who then kicks him right in the back, hard, Louis let out a scream. "Maybe not, but more than you at least" Louis replies through gritted teeth and hisses from the pain.

"How dare you. It is my son! He cannot be gay?! That's not ethical!" The man says.

"Oh so you beating me up is? Wait, lemme call god and ask." Louis snaps.

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