Ice Skating Accident

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Sorry if it's too short. Hope u still like it!

Word count: 1150 words.

The morning sun filtered through the blinds, casting a warm glow over the room where the boys sat, one fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. The interviewer's questions were straightforward, but it was too early for the boys to be able to focus properly. The interviewer wrapped up quicker than expected. 

Lunch was a hurried affair, with the boys gathered around a small table at their favourite local diner. Lunch brought with it the clatter of dishes and the murmur of conversation. It was Louis who suggested, "why don't we go ice skating tonight?". The idea was met with a chorus of agreement, the sudden excitement for the unexpected outing overshadowed their meal. They finished their meals and headed out, the chill in the air a stark reminder of what's to come.

In the dressing room, the atmosphere was thick with excitement and nerves. Niall rummaged through the pile of ice skating shoes, his brow furrowing as he failed to find a pair that fit his feet. Louis couldn't help but chuckle. "Mate, they don't make skates in giant size," he joked, earning a mock glare from Niall. "Ha ha".

Dressed in their gear, they laced up their skates and stepped onto the rink. The initial wobbles and stumbles drew laughter from the group, but soon they found their rhythm, gliding across the ice with growing confidence.

Niall, who wanted to play it cool, decided it was time to impress. Ignoring the voice of reason, he launched into an advanced trick, one he had never practiced. The world spun, and there was only a thud on the cold, hard ice. The fall was swift, the impact against the ice, sickening. Niall lay motionless as the boys rushed to his side.

"Niall, can you hear me?" Harry asked, his voice laced with concern. "" Niall's response was a slurred mumble, his eyes struggling to focus.

"I'm calling an ambulance!" Louis called out, already dialling the emergency number.

"Stay with us buddy, stay with us." Liam urged, trying his best to keep his friend awake, but Niall's consciousness was slipping away, his answers to their questions growing more disoriented by the seconds that passed.

Even though it felt like an eternity, it wasn't long before the sounds of sirens filled the air, and paramedics rushing onto the scene. 

"What exactly happened?" One medic asked as he knelt by Niall.

"He took a bad fall, and hit his head on the ice" Louis explained, his words were rushed.

The paramedics worked quickly, assessing Niall's condition. "We suspect a severe concussion, we need to get him to the hospital immediately," one said as they prepared to transport him.

As Niall was whisked away to the hospital, the boys followed in a daze, their hearts heavy with worry for their friend; brother. 

The hospital waiting room was a stark contrast to the laughter-filled rink they'd left behind. The boys sat in silence, each lost in their thoughts, the weight of guilt pressing down on them.

Finally a doctor approached, his expression somber. "Niall's condition is stable, but he's not out of the woods yet, he did suffer a significant concussion" She explained.

"Can we see him?" Zayn asked, his voice soft and barely above a whisper.

"Yes, but please be gentle and patient with him" The doctor replied, leading them to Niall's room.

Niall's room was quiet, the steady beep of the heart monitor the only sound.

Slowly, Niall returned to consciousness and was immediately met with soft words of comfort from his friends.

"Hey bud, you gave us quite a scare there for a second" Liam said gently. Harry added, "how are you feeling?".

Niall's mind was a fog, his words a struggle, but the boys were patient with him, letting him take his time. "Take it slowly Niall, you had a hard fall there" Zayn voiced.

"W-w-hat...happened" Niall's voice was weak and low but the boys catches his question.

"We were ice-skating earlier and you fell, you hit your head pretty hard on the ice. You got a concussion" Louis recounted the events, his tone soothing.

The boys stayed his side, their reassurances a balm to Niall's confused senses, their presence a silent vow of support.

"I'm sorry" Niall apologized, feeling bad of his actions, but the boys were quick to reassure him.

"Hey, no need to apologize. It was an accident, those happen" Zayn said, his hand a warm and gentle touch on Niall's shoulder providing him reassurance and comfort.

Exhaustion claimed Niall once more, and he drifted back to sleep.

The boys stepped out, letting their friend gain the needed rest. They went on a hunt to find some gifts to cheer Niall up a little.

They returned with gifts, small tokes to brighten up Niall's day and recovery. Niall was still sleeping and they didn't have the heart to wake him so they waited.

The hospital room was so wuiet except the soft beeping sounds of the machines. Niall lay there in his bed, a peaceful expression on his face. After a while he starts waking up again.

"Look who's decided to join the land of the living," Harry teased gently as Niall's eyes fluttered open. 

Niall managed a weak smile. "What's all this for?" He asked.

"We thought you could use a little cheering up," Liam said, placing a stuffed animal beside Niall.

"And we know how much u love your snacks" Zayn added, revealing a small basket filled with Niall's favourite treats.

"Wow, I should get hurt more often if it means to get treated like this" Niall joked, letting out a small chuckle, the others joining in. The laughter in the room was soft but genuine, filling the room with love and care. "I really appreciate this guys" Niall showed his gratefulness.

"Anything for you Nialler," Harry said, his tone affectionate. "We're just glad you're okay."

The room filled with comfortable chatter as the boys began to share stories, each trying to outdo the other in making Niall laugh. It was these small moments, surrounded by friendship and care, that the weight of the days events began to lift.

As the evening wore on, the boys made sure Niall was comfortable, puffing his pillows and trucking th blankets around him; basically treating him like a princess. They knew he needed to rest, but they also wanted to make sure he knows he wouldn't have to face the recovery alone.

"We'll be right here, mate," Liam promised, as they settled into the chairs around Niall's bed.

"Yeah, we're not going anywhere," Zayn affirmed, a sentiment echoed by the nods of the others.

Niall's eyes grew heavy, but before he succumbed to sleep, he whispered, "thanks guys. Really"

With that, he drifted off, a contented smile on his lips, as his friends watched over him, their bond was unbreakable, their spirits united in hope and healing.

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