Migraine pt. 2 (Zayn)

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Before you read, I'd suggest you to read the first part. It's not a must but it maybe could be easier to understand this if you've read the first part.

Word count: ~1150 words.
Zayn's POV

It was better for a while. But the headaches are back again. Luckily we're not on tour right now but we are really busy with intervies, recordings, photo shoots...etc, just a lot of other stuff.

All the bright lights was bothering my eyes right now, and the noise from the studio wasn't helping my headache either.

I sat myself down on the couch to try to take it easy for a little while before I have to go back and continue working.  But as soon as I sat down, Liam came to the rest room. 

"Come on, we have a lot to do" Liam said.  "Yeah, yeah I will" I replied. Right now I would like to do anything but practice songs but I didn't have much choice.  So i got up and followed liam to our rehearsing area.

We were singing 'You & I' and for some reason I couldn't hit the high note, which was slightly embarassing because this had never happened before, not like this at least. "Are you ok Z? You look a bit...peaky" Harry asked in concern. "I'm fine Harry, just a bit tired" I said.

I was trying to stay as quiet as possible about my headaches because I first of all didn't want anyone to worry about me, and secondly I just felt like I'd be a burden. And there wasn't anything the boys could do about it anyway.

Louis's POV

Zayn had been unusually quiet this week, which was worrying me. I just hope he is okay. I know he doesn't like to tell anyone if he was feeling unwell.

After our work we were heading home and I was keeping an eye on Zayn, just to be sure and I am glad I did. He seemed to be in some sort of trance or something, suddenly he started swaying and Harry and I managed to catch him before he could fall.

"Zayn!" We all shouted in unison. Zayn was unconscious and we were in the middle of the street. It was rainy and just typical fall weather. We lovered him to the ground.

"Hey, c'mon bud, wake up" Liam said softly as he tried waking Zayn up by slapping his cheeks genly.

Zayn's POV

One minute I was walking home with my mates and the next I am laying on the ground with four worried faces in front of me. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at them confused.

"You passed out" Harry said when he saw my expression. "How do you feel?" He added. "Better...I think" I replied and then the boys helped me up carefully.

They led me all the way home, luckily we were only a few minutes away.

I was resting on the couch because the boys told me not to move while they cleaned up a little in the house since it was pretty messy.

Harry's POV

We ere just cleaning our house and then Paul called me. Usually he called only if we had work but we just came feom work. "What?" I said as I picked up. "Harry I am so sorry to bother you all with this, but there was some complications with the sounds of the recordings so is it possible for you all to come and do it again?"

"What? Are you serious?...ugh I gues we don't have a choice" I said, completely exhausted from today already. "Not really" Paul said, sounding a bit sad, it was not his fault but I really wouldn't have had the energy, and what about Zayn.

"But Paul, I don't think Zayn is able to" I said. "Why not?" He asked. "He kinda passed out a few minutes ago and he said he's been having headaches a lot lately, and he threw up earlier (I didn't write abt it but just pretend it happened)" I explained. "Why haven't you told me earlier?" Paul asked in frustration.

Well we didn't really have the time to tell him, we just got home for god's sake. "Sorry, you know we've been busy" I said. "Okay, get the boys here and I'll take Zayn to a doctor, okay?" Paul said and then hang up.

I sighed and went to tell the boys. "What? You're kidding, right?" Louis said, he had just sat himself on the couch with Zayn and didn't plan to go back to work. None of us did.

"Zayn, Paul said he wants to take you to a doctor" I said. "But why? I'm fine. I probably just haven't drunk enough water today or something" Zayn replied, a bit confused why we were making such a big deal out of it. But I know he wasn't fine.

Zayn's POV

Ugh I hated that Paul dragged me to a doctor for just one simple fainting. It is not that big of a deal.

While my mates were doing the recordings again, I got to be at the doctors, yay (sarcasm). Not that I'd have had energy to do some work right now though. But I'd rather be with my friends than sit at the doctors just for them to tell me I am completely fine.

"Okay, it looks like you have very strong symptoms of migraine. You're also dehydrated, have you eaten enough today?" The doctor said. "I've been feeling a bit nauseous lately, so I haven't been able to eat much, but a little yeah" I replied. "Okay, I'll prescribe you some pills that will ease the symptoms and make you feel better. If you at any point start feeling worse, please contact me immediately" the doctor explained sweetly. "I'd also suggest you to try to drink some more water" She added.

We thanked her and then Paul drove me to the pharmacy to get my meds. I got my pills and later in the evening I felt better. I went to the studio next day to record my parts and then we just hang out with the boys to do some fun stuff, nothing too much activity though, we just watched some movies and ate a lot of snacks and just chatted and stuff.

"I'm glad to see you feeling better Z" Liam said. "Me too" Niall added. "I think we all are" Louis pointed out. "Just next time tell us when you're feeling off okay, you know we'll understand" Harry said. They were so sweet, I was feeling a bit bad for not telling them earlier, but I learned my lesson.

"Yeah I will, thank you for taking care of me" I said andwe just continued to cuddle all five of us on the couch and watched the movie.
Sorry I know this may be a little boring and short but I can't help it, I feel like I have no imagination left😭

Also sorry for not being so active, I'm working on a lot of fics, 5k special and 10k special if that day comes, plus three other books plus school on the side as well...I'm trying okay. Sometimes I feel like I have no time to rest and when I do rest it feels like I shouldn't because I still have things to do.

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