Bad vertigo (Harry)

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This is a rewritten/edited version since wattpad decided to cut away half of the original story (probably I just messed up something but I blaming it on wattpad) but I tried to keep it the same as much as I can remember. If any of you have read this before and remember what I wrote in the original, please tell me.

Word count: -1420 words.
The boys were facing a lot of stress today, with a bunch of idifferent nterviews scheduled which meant a lot of travel throughout the city. And they would still have to do some recordings after all that.

Harry's POV

Everything was going great. We had already done two interviews, but just then I realised I started to feel a strange. At first I thought it was because I hadn't had anything to drink yet, so then grabbed a waterbottle and downed the whole thing. I didn't even realize how thirsty I was.

We still had a lot of interviews to do so after the second one, we had to go to another studio in the town. We got into the van and the driver started driving. The entire car-ride was silent. Everyone was too tired.

Niall's POV

I was the first one to exit the tiny van. I watched the others come out of it after me. I noticed Harry looked a little pale so I asked him, "Haz? You ok?". "Yeah, uhm...yeah I'm fine, probs jus' a little tired" he replied. I nodded. It was understandable, we had been working our asses off lately and this was our most stressfull day.

We were greeted by a very sweet young-ish lady as soon as we walked into the studio where the interview was being held. She told us her name was Cara, and she offered to take our coats and show us to our seats. She was very friendly and made us feel welcome right away.

Then we started the interview. We were instructed to take a seat on stool surrounding a white, round table. Come to think of it, our interviews are often conducted around these types of tables, it was a bit strange to be honest. We were told that this interview would last approximately thirty minutes.

Harry was unusually quiet today and I was starting to get a little worried about him. Maybe he was telling the truth and was just tired, but I couldn't help but wonder if something was wrong.

Harry's POV

The dizziness intensified with each passing minute. The world around me was spinning and I tried to ignore the sensation. But it was getting harder and harder to focus on anything else. I felt like I was going to vomit, and my head was pounding.

I felt that way throughout the entire interview. I stayed pretty much quiet the whole interview. Even the interviewer asked if I was feeling okay, and I noticed the other mates looking at me occasionally with concerned looks. tried to assure them everything was fine.

We would have to go to another interview at another location. I'm really not feeling up for this right now. I just wanted to go sit in a room without any lights because they're giving me a headache and just wait it out until this dizzy spell goes away.

Thankfully, the next interview was going to be the second-to-last one before recordings, after which I could go home. I wasn't even convinced of my own words when I said to myself, 'I can get through this'.

We got back into the van and arrived at the destination. The ride felt like hours but in reality it was only fiteen minutes."Are you sure you're okay, Haz?" Louis asked, looking visibly worried. "Yeah, I'm just tired," I replied as I closed my eyes for a bit to gather all the energy I had left. I could feel everyone looking at me sceptically.

Louis's POV

Yeah, it was pretty clear that Harry wasn't doing well. There's definitely something wrong, but I don't know why he won't tell us. He usually pushes himself too hard when it comes to his health when working, but at least he would say something if that were the case.

I allowed Harry to rest his head on my lap for the entire ride. He seemed to have needed it a lot. I lightly ran my fingers through his curls as he drifted in and out of sleep.

We arrived at the studio 15 minutes later. It was a big studio and we were directed to a smaller room inside of it. The room we were in had purple walls and a grey sofa for us to sit on. The interviewer also had a smaller sofa. In addition, there were both silly and normal pictures on the walls. It was more like a living room but not quite exactly.

The interview went on, we were all answering questions. Liam , Niall and Zayn seemed to have fun but I was too busy to keep an eye on Harry who did not seem good at all.

"I'm sorry, could I excused for a moment" Harry said and stood up slowly. As he stood up he almost immediately lost his balance and fell to the floor, unconscious, with a loud thud. "HARRY?!" I yelled and jumped off the couch to kneeled next to him, the others following behind.

I completely freaked out and had no clue what to do. Fortunately Liam always knew what to do in these kind of situations.

Niall went to get a medic."Do you think we should call an ambulance?" Zayn asked, not really knowing what to do either. "No" Liam said softly, "he's waking up!".

Harry's POV

"You scared the shit out of me," Louis said as I slowly regain consciousness and looked around after realizing that I must have passed out.

"I'm sorry" I said and tried to get up but Louis stopped me. "No, you're not going anywhere yet. The medic is on his way". "Haz, you need to take it easy. You were unconscious for like 2 minutes" Liam explained. "We were really worried" Zayn said.

I laid back down and waited for the medic to arrive. Thankfully he only took a few minutes before coming into the room with another person who was probably a nurse or something like that.

They asked me a lot of questions and checked my pulse and all that medical stuff before concluding that I had a really bad vertigo, they didn't really know the exakt reason for it. They also told me that I was dehydrated and exhausted. They gave me some water and told me to drink it slowly, then handed me a box of medicine that I would have to take for the next few days until the dizziness subsided.

The medics instructed me to go home and rest, I was not allowed to return to work today, they said it would be best to take some days off but if I was feeling better the day after tomorrow, it was okay to go back to do work. Before they left, I was told to listen to my body and take care of myself if I started experiencing any similar symptoms and not exhaust myself more.

"Are you feeling any better?" Niall asked, "Uhmm, not really to be honest" I confessed. "Let us help you back to the van so you can rest. We'll finish this interview and then come stay with you at home, alright?" Louis said as he helped me up from the floor. He and Zayn supported me as we walked back to the van since my legs were unsteady.

As Louis closed the van door, he said "Just call or text if you need anything, I'll be right back". I nodded and then quickly fell asleep.

The boys came back into the room an hour later, seeming very energetic. I had just woken up from my nap right before they entered. "How are you feeling, lad?" Liam asked. "a little better, I'm sorry I messed up the interview" I said, hanging my head low. "Heyy, it's not your fault. Just let us know if you're not feeling well next time, okay?" Louis said as he wrapped me in a hug.

Once we got home, I went straight to bed even though it was only 5pm. I was so tired and exhausted from the events today. The other boys told me they rescheduled everything for next week. Throughout the rest of the week, they regularly checked in on me to make sure I was doing alright. I felt so blessed to have such amazing friends.

Yeah, hope you liked it, I don't know if this turned out better or worse than the original haha.

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