Hypothermia (Louis)

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First I just want to say a massive thank you for 4.6k reads, I can't believe it. Wow. Secondly, I usually use an app to help me write more grammatically correct, but here I haven't (and I don't always use it) so if it's bad english, I apologize <3.
*includes larry* (like usually)

Anyway, enjoy <3
Word count: ~2800 words.

(Oh and also other fics and requests are on their way! Don't worry!)
The boys were on their way to a ski trip to Switzerland on their only week off. Usually they used a private plane but it was being repaired right now after some damage from a few weeks back. So they had to go by a regular plane.

But they didn't really care because they loved their fans and there wasn't even a lot of people on the plane. The flight took abou one and a half hour.

When they landed in Switzerland they took the most direct route to their private cabin (is it the right word?) that their team had rented. It was pretty small but big enough for five people.

Niall's POV

"So when are we going?" I asked. I was so excited, this was the first time I got to try skiing and even with my best friends. "Niall chill, we haven't even gotten our bags in yet" Louis replied. And he was right, but I was just so excited.

We brought our stuff in. Zayn, Liam and I shared a room with three beds while Louis and Harry shared the master bedroom. We weren't actually divided in this way, but nobody was here to check so yeah.

One hour passed and everyone had settled down. "Sooo, can we go now?" I inquired. "Alright, what do y'all think?" Liam said. "Yeah, Niall have been a good boy waiting this long without complaining so let's go" Zayn said as he chuckled a little. "Where's Harry and Louis by the way?" Liam inquired. "In their room...no idea what they're doing and I'm not even sure if I want to know" I said making both Liam and Zayn giggle.

Harry's POV

"Hey we're leaving! Are you two coming?" I heard Liam say through the closed door after knocking.

"Couldn't we just stay here for the rest of the day? I'm so comfy in your arms Lou" I whispered in a soft tone. "Awh, baby we can continue cuddling when we come back, we don't need to be there skiing non stop for a week" Louis replied. "Yeah, we're coming! Just give us a minute" he said loudly enough so Liam could hear.

About a quarter of an hour later we started heading towards the ski hills and we got up with the help of the (ski)lifts. We had really fun, we didn't even realize how fast the time went before the sky was becoming dark and stars were visible.

Louis's POV

We had completely lost track of time while we were having so fun skiing. We did some tricks and challanges and everything went perfect. Late in the evening Niall said he was hungry so we decided to go for some dinner.

After the dinner we headed back to our cabin. "Such a great day right!" Niall exclaimed. "I agree, had really fun!" Harry said. And the rest of us agreed as well.

It was getting late and everyone had gone to bed. But for some reason I couldn't fall asleep. I kissed Harry's forhead gently, careful not to wake him up. Then I got up from bed and put on a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants. I went into the hall and put on my coat and shoes and went out to get some fresh air.

I stood there just admiring the beautiful sky and the few lights in the ski hills.

About fifteen minutes later I felt tired again and decided to go back in. Well, fuck. The door was locked. And I didn't have the keys. I felt like such an idiot.

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