Falls & hits head (Louis)

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~ anonymous request <3
Hope you like it <3
Wordcount: ~1300 words.

I'm sorry if if's short and boring🥺🥺
"Excited lads?" Liam asks, taking a bite of his burger. They're currently at a burger place for lunch and then they have to rehearse for the show tonight. "Totally!" Niall exclaimed, eagerly chewing on his burger. "I've got a great feeling about this already!". The rest of the group nodded in agreement.

The boys were at the studio rehearsing their setlist for the last time before getting ready for the show. "Hey boys, just a heads up- the floor is wet in the dressing room. The cleaner just left." Paul told them as they entered.

Then the boys started changing their outfits. In the middle of it all, Louis slipped and there was a loud thud as his head first hit the bench and then the floor. Everyone's first reaction to Louis's fall was to laugh, because he didn't seem like he was hurt.

He just stood up like nothing happened. However, Harry approached him and asked him if he was okay and he nodded. "Yeah, you can stop laughing now guys," Louis said a bit annoyed but half laughing himself. "Sorry, didn't they warn you? The floor is wet" Niall continued. "Enough now" Zayn whispered as he elbowed Niall a little. Liam chuckled.

Louis's POV

I didn't feel anything at first, but not long after, I started to get a throbbing headache that only got worse as time went on.

Management had just announced that we needed to be on stage in five minutes. I was feeling really lousy by this point, but I decided to keep quiet. At least for now. Maybe it's just a typical headache, I told myself.

Somehow I managed the whole show without any problems. I was really nervous at first, but I got through it. But as soon as the show was over, I ran backstage. I slowed down as everything started spinning. I tried to keep going, but soon all I could see was black and I passed out.

Harry's POV

I knew something was wrong. Louis acted a bit strange after that fall. As soon as the show was over, we all ran backstage, Louis a little before us. Suddenly we notice he had collapsed on the ground, eyes closed.

I screamed "LOUIS?!" as I ran over to him and knelt down next to him, the others followed behind. Suddenly, he starts convulsing or something, and we all take a few steps back. We don't know what's happening, but it's clearly serious.

"He's seizing! We have to help him! Move the stuff away so he doesn't hurt himself. Get the medics and get water" Liam ordered. I was grateful that he always remained so level-headed and quick thinking in these situations. The rest of us were so frazzled we couldn't even think straight.

While Liam and I moved the furniture out of the way, Zayn went to get water and Niall got the medics. Zayn quickly returned to Louis's side and took off his hoodie to put under Louis's head. He gently lifted Louis's head and placed the hoodie under it

"Oh shit!" Liam exclaims suddenly. "What?" I respond, confused by his outburst. "The timer! You're supposed to time it when someone has a seizure, I totally forgot about that!" He says frantically. I set a timer on my phone and luckily, just a minute after Louis finally calmed down.

"Okay good. That can't have been over 5 minutes" Liam said. Zayn and I looked at him confused. We weren't experienced with this kind of stuff so we didn't know much but Liam had apparently read about it earlier. "When a seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes, that's when it becomes an emergency and you need to call for medical assistance" he explained.

Then Niall came back with two medical professionals and they immediately started working on Louis. One of the medics asked us a few questions.

"Does anyone know if he has a history of epilepsy in his family?" He asked and I shook my head. "No he hasn't".

"Has he been in any accidents or had any head injuries recently?" the medic asked.

I pondered for a moment and then Niall answered; "Oh gosh! In the dressing room. Shit I feel bad".

"Oh yeah! He slipped today in the dressing room and hit his head on the bench and floor" I explained. "Okay, thank you," the medic said before turning back to Louis.

I felt my heart drop when I heard the other medic yelling "he's seizing again! We're gonna need to take him to the hospital".

"Is he okay?! I mean...will he be? What's happening?" I questioned feeing useless. Luckily Louis's second seizure only lasted half a minute. Then Louis was loaded to the ambulance and unfortunately none of us got to go with him yet. We had one thing to finish at the studio and then Paul would drive us to meet him.

Louis's POV

When I woke up, I was in a bright white room. After looking around for a bit, I heard the beeping of machines and noticed an IV in my hand. That's when it hit me that I was in the hospital. How did I end up here?

I was completely alone in the room. Where was everyone? I felt nauseous. Really nauseous. Suddenly before even realizing, I threw up. But I managed to turn to the side so I didn't throw up on myself.

After a few minutes, I saw the door handle moving. "You're awake!" Harry said as he and the others stepped into the room catiously. I was embarrassed, so I looked away.

"Awh babe, it's okay," Harry said as he walked up to me. He took my hand and caressed it a little with his thumb. "I'll go get a nurse," Liam announced and left.

"How do you feel?" Harry asked softly. "Mhm...tired and my head hurts but otherwise I'm alright" I said, tiredly, I felt like I've partied for a week. "I'm sorry" Niall said, almost crying as he stepped closer. "For what?" I asked.

They looked at me a little confused. "When you fell earlier and we only laughed" Zayn explained. "Oh it's okay, I forgive you. I don't even remember much anyway" I chuckled.

Then Liam and a nurse came into the room. She shecked my vitals and asked a few questions. Then helped cleaning up.

"uhm guys, what really happened? because I remember going up on stage and then everything's black" I stated. "After the show you blacked out and have a couple seizures, it was really scary" Harry explained. It felt so weird, seizures? "they said it was because of the concussion you got from falling earlier" Zayn added. "oh, yeah...I had a pretty bad headache afterwards, I remember that but nothing more" I told them.

"Nawh, you should have told us mate" Liam said, clearly feeling bad.

Liam's POV

The next day Louis was released from the hospital. We all still felt bad for laughing earlier, we didn't know he was hurt after that fall. We learned to always first ask if someone's okay before laughing at them.

We made sure to take care of Louis when he got a couple of days off to rest. We made sure he was doing okay and got him painkillers for his headaches. He was very grateful and said that the painkillers were a huge help.

"Thank you guys for taking care of me. I'll go sleep now" Louis smiled after we arrived in the tour bus. He looked exhausted, but he was happy to be with us instead of rotting in a hospital. I'm glad we could take care of him and that he's feeling better now. Even though the rest of us still had work to do, we frequently checked in on Louis whenever we had a chance.

About a week later, he was back to normal. We had a few concerts and decided to not run and jump around too much during the week, but when Louis was feeling perfectly fine again he went wild as usual.
IM SORRY THIS IS AWFUL. I DONT LIKE HOW I WROTE THIS. IT FEELS BORING😭😭I TRIED. I'll maybe edit this a little some day but I needed to post it now bc I didn't want you to have to wait for too long. Hopefully you liked it!

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