Allergic reaction (Liam)

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First of all, after I've posted this one, I'm going on a small 2 week break since I'm going to write my marticulation exam on wednesday next week and the week after that two more. But I'll come back as soon as possible after that! and then I can be even more active! (the second thing is at the end)

Back to the story.
wordcount: - 1140 words.


The boys attended a more formal festival to celebrate their new album. It wasn't open to the public, it was for the members and their team, but some friends were allowed.

The festival took place in a stunning garden located in England. The garden was filled with beautiful flowers and trees, and the sun was shining. It was a perfect day for the festival. There were a few tables with different foods on the grass, and a small stage for the boys to sing on if they wanted.

It was around 2pm when everyone started getting some food. People were milling around, chatting and laughing as they filled their plates with various dishes. The atmosphere was festive and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.

The boys wanted some time away from the others, so they grabbed their plates and walked to a grassy hill to eat and chat.

"This smoothie tastes really good" Louis said. "I haven't tried it yet, but it certainly looks delicious!" Liam said. "So, our plans for tomorrow?" Harry inquired. "Maybe just relax for the day? We do have a lot of work next week" Zayn replied. "Yeah, it would be nice to just stay in bed all day" Niall stated as he crunched on some crackers. Everyone agreed.

Liam's POV

I was drinking the smoothie and it tasted great but soon enough, I realized something wasn't right. I started to feel as though my throat was constricting, making it difficult to breathe. Everything in my mouth became swollen and itchy, and I began to feel very dizzy.

When the smoothie fell out of my hand, everyone turned to look at me. Through my blurry vision, I could see worried expressions on their faces.

Louis's POV

I heard a very faint thud, sounding like it came from something that dropped onto the grass. I quickly turned around, then I noticed Liam. He looked pale and red at the same time, his whole face was a bit swollen and he had red eyes, he seemed to have trouble breathing.

"Liam??" I said, my voice trembling in shock. "I-...c- can't...b- breath" Liam stammered back. "It looks like he's having an allergic reaction!" Niall said. Liam was pretty much unresponsive and unaware of what's happening. Harry and Zayn laid him carefully to the grass and I called for help.

Fortunately, a medic at the festival who saw that something was happening and ran over to us. Before she arrived Liam seemed to be completely unconscious.

Harry's POV

It was very scary to watch, I have never seen Liam like this before, usually he was the calmest one in these kind of situations and always knew what to do, now he was the one fighting for his life.

The medic who came to help Liam assured us that he was going to be alright, she said that Liam had an allergic reaction to something.

I went to ask someone what was in the smoothie and I was told it contained blueberries, strawberries, bananas apples, milk and even cinnamon. When I heard 'apples' I immediately knew it must have been the culprit, since I remembered Liam telling me a few years ago he loved apples but later discovered that he was very allergic to them. I went back to the boys and told the medic about it.

She said that they were going to take Liam to the hospital for some tests. A few minutes later, he started slowly regaining consciousness.

Liam's POV

I opened my eyes slowly. I still felt a bit weird, I have no idea why I was lying on the ground with a medic attending to me.

"What happened?" I croaked, trying to sit up but was gently pushed back by the medic. "You had an allergic reaction to the apples in the smoothie" The medic said calmly, "Are you feeling better now?". I nodded slowly, still dazed from what just happened.

"Wow, you scared us there for a minute Li" Niall said. "Why didn't we know about your apple allergy?" Zayn said in a concerned tone. "Yeah, we should definitely be aware of these things" Louis said."I'm sorry... I just forgot..." I said, feeling a bit lost for words. "I knew about it... but I wasn't aware that the smoothies had apples in them" Harry explained to the others.

I was surprised when an ambulance arrived - I wasn't sure if it was really necessary since I had already started to feel better. "Do we need the ambulance?" I asked the medic. "Yes, we'll take you to the hospital for some tests" she said.

So I was loaded into the ambulance and taken to the hospital. The boys followed behind in Harry's car.

Zayn's POV

We arrived at the hospital a few minutes later and were told to just wait in the waiting room while the doctors do some tests on Liam.

It was quite fast, a doctor came out of the room and walked towards us. "All right, so Liam is actually allergic to apples. He needs to be really careful because it could be deadly. He was lucky he got help quickly today - it could have been much worse." She began explaining."However, we'll need to keep him in the hospital for a few hours longer just to be safe. But if everything looks good this evening, he can go home then" she added.

"Can we go see him?" I asked. "Yes, of course, let me lead you" the doctor said as she started walking towards the hospital rooms.

Niall's POV

I was pleased to see that Liam seemed to be himself while lying in his hospital bed. He was more alert and responsive than he had been earlier, he looked like he was doing a lot better.

"How are ya mate? doing better?" Louis said as he walked closer to Liam. "Yeah, I'm sorry" Liam responded. "No no, don't worry about it, it wasn't your fault..." Harry said. Liam explained, "I know I should have been more careful, but for some reason I just completely forgot about my allergy".

We stayed with Liam for a few hours until a nurse came in and told us that he was doing well enough to be discharged. She said that he had been responding well to the treatment and was showing signs of improvement.

Liam's POV

I was thrilled to be able to go home again, hospitals just really aren't my thing. The doctor instructed me to stay away from apples and to use caution. She also provided a sheet of with guidance on what measures to take if I experience an allergic reaction and then gave me a receipt for medication to pick up from the pharmacy in case of an allergic reaction emergency.

Harry drove us back and I took it easy for the rest of the day. Later on, we watched a movie in the lounge and just had a really chill evening.

Soo, I think this turned out good but I could add a lot more. I am just very busy right now so I'll keep it as this for a while. Thanks for reading<3!

Secondly, just heard the very sad news about Queen Elizabeth II. I did just a few weeks ago see some memes how she is immortal and all. I am very very sad that she is no longer here with us, but I wish she lived 96 wonderful years. I also hope we can all come together to make the world a better place in her memory, I know she'll be watching us from above! So let's make her proud <3. Rest in peace, dear Queen Elizabeth II.

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