Deaf (Liam)

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The boys were only in highschool and Liam had just recovored from a car accident that happened a few months ago, the only thing that still btohered him was that he was deaf and he wasn't treated well in achool because of it.

Also quickly, this was quite a hard chapter to write. I'm so sorry. Also this was ofiginally meant that the boys become friends after a little time but i couldnt really come up with a story line for that. Im so sorry. This has been the hardest one to write so far 😭😭.

Hope you enjoy!
Wordcount: ~1700 words.

Request by: anonymous
Flashback (you can skip this if u want)

"Watch your tone Liam" said the teacher with a harsh voice. Louis, who was sitting next to Liam glanced at him and saw tears welling up in his eyes, he felt pity. "Hey, Li, it's okay. She's always like that that to everyone" Louis told.

The teacher was new at the school and didn't really know how to handle students properly. However, no one could deny that she was a really good teacher.

Except for that one day...

No one knew what was going on with Liam, not even his closest friends. He seemed so sad and upset lately.

One time, he was driving home from school in such a bad mood, he hadn't slept or eaten for days. He was upset. He couldn't think properly and with the tears in his again, couln't see either. Everything was blurry.

He didn't see that red car coming at him with full speed on the left side and before he knew it, there was a loud crash and everything went black.

Well, in the red car, the so called „new teacher" was sitting. Luckily for her, she didn't break any bones or lose consciousness, which was quite a miracle considering the crash. After a moment of staring into space in shock, she got out of the car, checked who was in the other car and saw Liam. She panicked and called 999.

"Ma'am please, may I ask you to remain as calm as possible, help is on the way" the operator said on the other side of the line. "I- It, uhm, I didn't, sorry, I disn't see" the teacher still continued. "Ma'am please, deep breaths, remain calm okay?".

Liam was brought to the hospital and he remained unconscious for 6 days. "You chose a little longer nap huh?" The nurse said as she noticed he was waking up. Liam looked at her, saw her mouth moving, but couldn't hear anything. He looked at her with a confused and scared look on his face. "Everything okay buddy? Does something hurt? You're really lucky you din't break anything else" she told him. He did break a few ribs but thats's it.

He was scared to open his mouth so he just nodded, as if he had any idea what she said. The nurse was sceptical though. So she went to get a doctor.

Liam's friends, Louis, Niall, Harry and Zayn had been there everyday, but the hospital had a policy of „no visitors can stay overnight unless it's family". And right now it was midnight so no one was there, except for a lot of nurses and doctors.

"Hi Liam, I'm Doctor Len. I'll check a few things now if it's okay?" The doctor said. Liam tried his best to read from his lips what he was saying but it was so much harder than he thought it would be.

After a few tests the doctors turns around to talk to the nurse. "Well it looks like he's gotten a place here that pushes this in here, which blocks the signals that makes him able to hear things. It's not permanent but it can take a long time until he will be able to hear again. There is help though, therapy and hearing aids + medication of course" Dr. Len explained. The nurse just nodded along.

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