Seasick (Zayn)

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Hey! I'm on a cruise right now (not anymore after this is posted) sitting alone in my and my friends cabin. I'm kinda panicking because I feel the waves which makes me seasick and that gave me inspiration to write this plot. This is all now based on the experience I've had so far!

Also about after the 15th or 16th paragraph the "based on a true story" stops...if u know what I mean hahah.

Wordcount: ~1340 words.
The boys had just decided to spend their free weekend to going on a cruise. However, Zayn wasn't that eager on the idea since he hadn't experienced being on a boat a lot but he remained silent about it because he didn't want to ruin the fun for the others.

After arriving on the ship, the boys first decided to go to the cabins to get dressed and then went to the bar.

They ordered a few drinks and went to sit at the table to chat and enjoy the evening. Zayn wasn't as excited as the others, but he tried his best to pretend that he also has a good time so he doesn't ruin the fun.

"This is a good song!" Louis exclaimed when one of his favorite songs started playing. "Yes it is, I love it!" Liam said agreeing. The boys had a bit of a trouble hearing each other due to the loud music and the mass of people talking.

Over time, Zayn began to notice how his nausea intensified. However, he didn't want to tell others yet. After the fourth drink, Zayn noticed that he could no longer drink because otherwise he would vomit, which he tried to avoid.

For a moment, Zayn went to the eighth deck to sit where there were benches to sit on in front of the elevators. When he tried to be on the phone, he realized that there was no signal or internet, so he couldn't be in any media or even call anyone.

The nausea just continued and later Zayn finally decided that he would go to the cabin to rest, but before that he goes to the store because he hadn't eaten anything for several hours.

At first he thought "Hell! Is the store closed?" But then noticed that it only closes at 22:00, which was about an hour later. When he notice that the store is still open, he went in and started looking at the products. A few minutes later, he ended up buying dried strawberry chips and a bag of Dumle candy. Sure, Zayn didn't want anything right now because of his nausea. But he thought that maybe if later he feels like eating something, he has something ready next to him.

After the shopping tour, he went to the cabin to rest. After coming inside, he immediately sat down on the floor and took off his outerwear and shoes. He sat there and thought about what to do when there is no internet and nothing and, on top of that, bad nausea.

Just as Zayn was leaving to see what the others were doing, Harry opened the door. "Ah hey, what are you doing here alone?" Harry asked as he closed the door behind him. "Oh- uhm, I'm just chilling" Zayn replied. "Hey, are you okay? You don't look too good Z" Harry asked to verify because he thought Zayn seemed sick, which wasn't far from the truth.

"Well, I'm a little nauseous and dizzy but it's okay" Zayn admitted. "Maybe you should lay down a little and maybe try to get some sleep" Harry suggested. Zayn knew that it would be worth listening to Harry, but when he doesn't want to rot in his room while others are having fun, so he decided to go up to the bar with Harry and the others.

"Zayn! Where have you been?" Niall asked, he wws a bit drunk. "Just in the cabin" Zayn answered tiredly.

"I'm hungry, will someone come and get food with me?" Niall asked. The others laughed a little because Niall had just eaten. Finally, Zayn said that he can go with Niall.

"I could take the sausage fries and one Breezer, please!" Niall told the cashier where he had to order food. "Do you take anything Z? Niall asked and Zayn shook his head to give a negative answer. Niall got his food and then the boys went to sit with the others.

Zayn was with the others for a while, but when he noticed that the nausea just continued, he decided to go to deck 8, where was a somehow working internet, to download some movies for himself. Then he went back to the cabin to rest. 

About an hour later, Harry also came into the cabin. "Hey, how are you?"  Harry asked sweetly. "I'm alright, the nauseousness makes me a little weak tho" Zayn answered and said he was going to sleep soon. "I understand, I'm going to bed soon too, the others were still partying" Harry said and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and put on his nightwear.

Luckily Harry didn't lock the door because suddenly Zayn had to run to the bathroom to throw up because he didn't have anything next to him like a trashcan.  "Oh no Z, is it that bad?" Harry said, patting Zayn's back as he threw up. "Sorry" Zayn said. "Hey, there's no need to apologize, there's nothing you can do about it" Harry assured. After a while Harry realized that he had motion sickness pills with him, he dug them out from his bag and gave a couple to Zayn.

Zayn took them immediately and then went back to bed, hoping that the nausea would pass already. Harry said goodnight again and then went to bed himself. The other boys didn't come back to the cabin until sometime in the eatly morning.

"Look! Zayn looks paler than a ghost!" Niall said even though he was so drunk he was having trouble forming proper words. "You're right, I hope he's fine" Liam said worriedly. "We'll see in the morning, I'm going to bed now, good night!" Louis said and went to sleep, taking Harry in his arms as he got into their bed.

The boys had an alarm clock to wake them up at 7:30am because breakfast was at eight. However, Zayn and Harry were the only ones who woke up to it, so they had to wake up the others themselves. 

"How are you feeling Z?" Harry asked. "Better than yesterday, at night I had to throw up four times tho- " Zayn said. "Oh no! I am so sorry. Hopefully next night will be better" Harry said, adding "You can take the meds at a more proper time today so they'll actually work" as an afterthought. "Yeah, thanks Harry!" Zayn replied.

The day in another country went well, although Zayn kept feeling like he was about to pass out, but he didn't mention it to anyone and he didn't pass out even once although he almost did when they were back at the ship.

Zayn went to bed very early this day and so did the others. No one really felt like partying anymore, but they still had a few drinks anyway.

"Has everyone had a good time?" Louis asked and everyone nodded except Zayn. "Zayn, next time let's do something you like. You can decide yourself, it's a shame that this trip didn't really suit you, I'm sorry for not paying enough attention to you" Louis said, he felt bad that one of them was not feeling well and the others just partied. "Yeah, next time we'll go with your will, okay, and remember to tell us if you don't like the ideas" Liam said. "Thanks guys, I just didn't want to screw this up by saying I don't like it because you were all so excited," Zayn revealed. "Awh oh Z come here" Niall said and went to hug Zayn.

The grieving day went much nicer and Zayn didn't feel so bad, the boys also looked after him.

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