Plane crash pt. 2 (All)

836 11 3

*includes larry*
(Also pls remember english isn't my first lanfuage so I'm sorry if there's some mistakes!:3)

word count: ~1850 words.
After waiting in silence for almost an hour, Louis was finally rolled into the boys' room. "Is he okay?" Harry asked nervously.


"We'll have to wait until he wakes up to know for sure, but right now he's stable" the nurse said as she placed Louis next to Harry. "What happened to the pilot?" Niall asked. "He's okay" the nurse explained, "he fainted due to dehydration, which made him lose control of everything and that's why the plane crashed. But he is going to be alright".

After quickly checking on everyone's condition, the nurse then left.

Liam's POV

The whole situation was horrible. I looked over at Harry who was sitting in his bed next to Louis's. He looked so worried and I could tell he was trying not to cry. "He's going to be okay" I said softly, placing my hand on his shoulder.

"He looks so...drained, pale, exhausted. I don't even know..." Harry said, fighting back tears.

It was so quiet. No Niall jumping around. No Louis being disobedient. Zayn was quieter than normal and Harry wasn't telling any awful jokes of his. It felt so strange.

An hour later everyone was asleep. Zayn and I slept in chairs around the room and the rest of the boys had beds. The chairs were suprisingly comfy, they were like made of soft material and didn't feel like you were sitting on a plank.

Louis's POV

I had no idea what happened. One minute I'm on a plane to America, and the next thing I know I'm waking up in a hospital.

As I slowly opened my eyes, I looked around a little. Niall was in a bed to my left, and Harry on the right. Zayn and Liam were both asleep in chairs nearby. I noticed there was an IV attached to my left hand. Me head was hurting so much.

I wanted to wake the boys up but couldn't muster the energy to say anything. My whole body felt like it was pressed down by a weight. Reaching for the emergency button, I slowly lifted my hand. But I was too exhausted to move, everything ached and I felt just so tired.

Luckily Harry woke up just then and saw that I was awake. "Oh my god, Louis!" He exclaimed. He looked at me for a few seconds and then realized he needed to call for help.

A nurse came rushing in she checked my blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate, and then started asking me questions. "Can you tell me your name sir?" She asked calmly. I was still a bit fuzzy-headed, which made it hard to think properly.

At first, I shook my head no in response. But then after some thinking, I weakly said "Louis...T-...Tomlins'n". "Good" the nurse replied, "do you know where you are?" she asked. "Hospital?" I said.

"Yes that's correct. Can you tell me why you're here?" The nurse asked, patiently waiting for me to answer. I tried my best but just couldn't remember, so I shook my head.

"It's alright. You were in a plane crash with your friends" The nurse explained. We talked with the nurse for a while until everything was more clear.

Turned out I had a severe concussion and a big cut on the back of my neck. Somehow I didn't have any broken bones, my right ankle was a bit damaged but not broken.

"What happened?" I asked the nurse before she left. She gave me a sympathetic look and told me about the plane crash. Then she left.

She also emphasized how lucky we all were to be alive, it could have been much worse.

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