Sick but boys doesn't believe (Liam)

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Hope you like <3
(I think I had a request to this but I'm not sure)

Wordcount: ~1400 words.
Liam's POV

Great, I woke up with a pounding headache and a weird feeling in my throat. I knew exactly what that meant. Luckily we were at the end of a tour so we only had a couple show's left, then we would have a little time off.

I got out of bed and dragged myself to the bathroom. I tried to take a shower to clean myself up and thought it would make me feel better but honestly it only made me feel worse.

Once I stepped into the kitchen I got everyone's eyes on me. "What?" I asked.
"Do you have any idea what the time is?" Louis inquired, almost sounding annoyed. What did I do? I wondered quietly.

"Uhm no...wait let me che-" I began to say but was cut off by Louis. "It's 3pm, we have to leave in like half an hour?!" He said. "Oh gosh I'm sorry, why didn't y'all wake me up?! I think I feel a bit ill" I admitted. "Yeah, we tried Liam. We tried. And don't try to get out of this, just hurry and we'll be fine" Louis snapped as he put his plate away. Apparently they had just ate lunch.

"Are you trying to say I'm faking?" I asked. "No...I'm saying that. Niall already tried it a while ago, didn't you learn anything from it?" Louis said. "Lou I'm not faking!" I yelled, which made me wince because it made my headache worse.

"Guys stop please! We need to hurry!" Harry interupted our 'fight'. I wanted to eat, kinda. But we didn't have time and I was a bit nauseous anyway so it didn't bother me that much.

While we sat in the car on our way to the arena I was having a hard time not falling asleep. I felt extremely nauseous and it only worsened every minute. As soon as we arrived I jumped out from the car and ran to the nearest bathroom.

Harry's POV

Yes, it was a bit suspiscious how Liam suddenly was sick, but I didn't think he was faking, at least not anymore.

"Louis, I don't think he's faking" I told him carefully. "Yes he is! You're just too sweet to realise" he replied. Maybe he was right...

But why would he? It's the end of the tour, just a couple shows. Why would he fake it when it's so little left.

Liam's POV

Once I was done throwing up for like 20 minutes I finally managed to stand up. I felt a bit dizzy but then went to the sink to splash some water on my face in attempt to wake me up a bit. Apart from dizziness I was feeling very tired too. Then I walked to the stage were everyone was already rehearsing.

"Sorry, I was throwing up" I told the boys. "Yeah right" Louis said and rolled his eyes. "I mean if you want to take a break just tell us, you don't need to fake anything. We'll understand" Niall said.

"Not you too Niall" I whined. "Do y'all believe I'm faking?" I asked them and got no answer, just humble stares. There was a bit of silence until Harry spoke up. "Liam I believe you, c'mon you need some rest" he said. And left the stage to walk with me to our dressing room.

"Harry no! We need to rehearse!" Louis yelled. "Actually, I agree with Louis. We have a show tomorrow, and you don't look too ill Liam..." Zayn added.

I couldn't understand why they weren't believing me, I mean the incident with Niall when he faked being sick probably had an affect but why would I do the same?

Harry's POV

As I noticed tears welling up in Liam's eyes I knew he was speaking the truth for sure. So then, I coldly went to Liam's side and helped him into the lounge where he got a chance to rest.

I felt his forehead and knew immediately that he had a fever. I then went to get a thermometer and when I came back Liam had already fallen asleep. I also noticed some sweat dripping from his forhead.

38.5°C (101,3°F). Shit, this didn't seem good. I went to get the boys back and told them that Liam didn't pretend to be sick.  He really was.

"Lou, Z, Niall come back here! Liam is ill, we can't- or at least he can't perform tomorrow" I said as the boys arrived in the room. "Don't you get it already? He's faking!" Louis said annoyingly.

"Guys stop! Look at him! Does he look like he's faking? Huh?" I said as I pointed to the sweaty boy shaking in his sleep on the couch. "38.5°C" I added.

"Fuck- shit. Sorry Liam" Louis said as he finally realised Liam wasn't faking. "I think we all just so exhausted and tired that it's making us more irritaded than usual" Zayn said. "Yeah, he's right, now I feel really bad though" Niall added.

I noticed Liam was getting more sweaty and paler every minute. I don't think that was a good sign. I took his temperature again and it had rised to 38.9°C (102,02°F). I knew this wasn't good at all. We couldn't keep him here suffering.

"Should we maybe call a doctor? Or take him home or something?" Zayn suggested. Then I got the majestic idea of giving him medicine.

"Hey, Liam? Could you wake up for a minute. You're in a pretty bad shape I see. So I got you these meds, they're fever reducers. Take these okay?" I said as I gently woke him up by tapping and stroking his shoulder.

He opened his eyes a bit but seemed pretty out of it. "What's going on?" He asked sleepily. "Hey, you have a bad fever. I need you to take these meds okay? Here's water" I said again as I helped him take them. "What's-? Where? Okayh..." and there he fell asleep again.

Liam's POV

I don't remember the last time I've been this sick that I don't remember the day before. Like I only remember going to the studio but have no idea hwo I came back home. I checked the time and it was 4:45am.

I was so confused. When and how did I end up to my bed. Well a sudden wave of nausea interrupted my thinking and I had to run to the bathroom. I sit there feeling tired and suddenly I'm asleep again.

Well not many minutes later I can hear someone trying to wake me up. "Hey buddy, why are you sleeping here?" It was Louis. I was confused, where were I even?

"What?" I said as I got up to a sitting position. "I heard some noise from here and when I came to check what's happening I saw you asleep here on your bathroom floor" Louis explained. "Oh and I am so so so sorry for yesterday, I peomise you I'll never doubt again. I was just tired myself and didn't think properly" he added.

I nodded and hugges him. I felt a bit like I couldn't control my body, I felt so week both physically and mentally. "You okay?" He asked. "C-can you help me t-to bed?" I asked with tears forming in my eyes and I had no idea why.

"Yes, c'mone let me help" he said as he helped me up and then to my bed. The time was 5:03am now and I just wanted to sleep.

Louis's POV

I waited until I was sure Liam was asleep and then went back to my own bed.

Luckily a few hours of sleep later Liam seemed to be a bit more aware of things. "Hey how are you feeling Li?" I asked as he entered the kitchen. "I've been better" he replied with a hoarse voice.

We all apologized once again for not believing him yesterday. And told him that we managed to get a week off work so we all can rest and especially Liam, and then do the last shows after that.

The meds were helping and day by day Liam got gradually better. Even after a week he was still a bit sick but not so much that he wouldn't be able to do anything.
Sorry for the bad endings always, theyre the parts I rush the most and especially bc I dont know how to write endings plus I'm usually writing in the middle of the night like right now. But thank you for reading <3

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