ED (Liam) pt. 1

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First of all, I want to say that if you struggle with similar things that this story tells, please get help. Nothing is too late love <3 and even if u think it's not that bad, it's better to be safe than sorry so please be kind to yourself and get help for your struggles <3.

Secondly, I hope you like this story! <3 pls comment!!
Word count: ~2700 words
—————————————————————————The dawn chorus hadn't even begun when the boys' alarm cut through the silence of the early morning. They exchanged sleepy greetings as they shuffled out of their beds. In the kitchen, Louis and Niall started rummaging for breakfast, while Zayn and Harry lingered under the covers, too drained to move. Liam, meanwhile, made a beeline for the bathroom.

Liam's POV

It's just too early. 6 AM is no time for anyone to be awake, let alone busy. The alarm's shrill ring pulls me from sleep way before the sun has any business being up. "Morning," I mumble to the others, voice rough with sleep. Louis and Niall are already heading to the kitchen, probably hunting for something to eat. Zayn and Harry haven't moved, looking like they've been drained of all energy. Me? I'm off to the bathroom in a flash.

We've got less than an hour to get ourselves together. First thing's first—I need to use the loo. But there's another reason I'm here: checking my weight. I've been on this diet, tracking everything, and I'm not going to let it slide. The scale's not my friend today, up 300 grams. Great. That settles it, no breakfast for me today. Yesterday's meal was small, but apparently too much.

Back in the kitchen, Louis is all cheer and invitations. "Hey! Join us for breakfast, we've got a long day," he says. I can only shake my head. "Thanks, Lou, but I'm not hungry. Maybe just a coffee," I tell him, and I can see the worry in their eyes. I hope they don't think it's something serious. Skipping a meal isn't a big deal, right?

Lost in thought, I stare at the wall until Harry's voice cuts through. "Liam? You okay?" he asks. "Oh, erm, yeah. Just daydreaming," I reply, trying to sound casual as I head over to make that coffee. But then I'm on my phone, checking how many calories are in a cup of coffee. Too many, my brain decides. So, it's just water for me.

Louis' POV

Breakfast felt like another challenge in our already tough week. We're all running on fumes, and today's schedule isn't doing us any favors. Once we've managed to eat, we pile into the car for our first interview of the day. The ride over is unusually silent. I glance in the rearview mirror; Niall's got that 'I could eat a horse' look, Zayn and Harry are practically zombies, and Liam... he just looks wiped out.

We get to the venue and go through the usual drill—makeup, outfit tweaks, and then we're ushered into this massive room for the interview. It's got this calming lavender vibe with plush purple sofas. Harry and I claim one, and the others sprawl out on another. The interviewer, perched on a striking red couch-chair, kicks things off as soon as the cameras roll. She's all business, skimming through introductions and diving straight into questions about our latest tracks, tours, and the grind of daily life.

I can't help but notice Liam's distant gaze, even when the spotlight's on him. He's here, but not really. Something's off, and it's got me worried. I make a mental note to check on him once we're done here.

Third Person POV

The interview wraps up just in time. Backstage, the boys are quickly prepping for the next round of questions when Louis pulls Liam aside.

"Everything okay with you, mate?" Louis asks, concern etched in his voice.

"Yeah, why?" Liam responds, a hint of defensiveness in his tone.

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