Gas leak (Harry)

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This is not the best probably bcs im still mentally ill and tired and everything but i had this dream were i was in a gas leak and decided to write it as one prompt hahah. Anyway hope u like <3

Word count: ~ 1780 words.
The boys were finally having a day off from touring. They had been working hard for the past few months, performing in different cities and countries, meeting fans and doing interviews. They loved their job, but they also needed some time to relax and unwind.

They decided to spend their day off by just chilling and doing nothing. Staying at home. They had everything they needed; food, drinks, games, movies, music, and each other.

The boys spent the morning playing video games, watching funny videos, and joking around. They laughed so hard that their stomachs hurt. They felt happy and carefree, like they were just normal teenagers, not world-famous pop stars.

"Pass it to me!" Niall said to Liam as they played fifa on the playstation. "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon" Liam mumbled as the ball rolled towards the goal.

Louis and Harry both let out a small laugh as they watched Liam and Niall play so intensively. And Zayn just sat right next to them reading his favourite book.

The boys decided to order pizza for lunch and ate it on the couch. They shared slices and toppings, and teased each other for their preferences. "Who the fuck puts pineapple on pizza?!" Louis spits. "Well those with taste" Niall said. "You won that Niall" Zayn agreed.

When they felt full and satisfied, they decided to take a nap, since they were feeling sleepy and lazy today anyway.

They sprawled on the beds and sofas, and cuddled with pillows and blankets.

A few hours later, the boys woke up feeling refreshed and energized. They decided to go outside and enjoy the fresh air and the scenery, and maybe play some outdoor games. They put on their jackets and shoes, and grabbed their phones and other stuff they needed.

They walked out of the house, and breathed in the crisp air, smiling at the sight of the green fields, the blue sky, and the bright sun.

They started to walk around the property, chatting and taking pictures, until they reached the big grassfield nearby. They admired the flowers, the trees, and everything. Liam put down the bag with some outdoor games supplies. "What should we play first?" He asked. "What about frisbee golf?" Harry suggested and all of them loved the idea.

They took out the frisbees and the baskets, and set up a course on the field, divided into two teams, and started to play.

After a few hours of different games the boys started to get tired and it was getting late anyway so they decided to head back home.

Walking back home everyone was happy, they've finally had a day full of joy and everyone feels grateful and carefree. However, little did they know, everything was gonna take a turn.

As they approached the house, they noticed something strange. "What's that?" Niall asks as he points at something coming through the window from their house. "Is that SMOKE?!" Harry asks in a panicking tone. "Okay, let's not panic now" Liam says calmly.

There was smoke coming out of the windows and the door. It was not black or thick, like from a fire, but white and thin, like from a gas leak.

They all felt a sudden surge of panic and fear, walking towards the house, hoping that it was nothing serious, that it was just a mistake, that everything was fine.

But everything was not fine.

As they entered the house, they were hit by a wave of heat and a smell of gas. They felt dizzy and nauseous, and their eyes started to water. They coughed and choked, and tried to find the source of the problem.

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