Car accident - part 2

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Request from @goldencanyon but this isn't straight a request to me, I saw them requesting this from another writer but she has her requests closed so I decided to start my own.

Btw I'm sorry Harry and Louis aren't dating in this shot but I'm bad at writing when some are dating and the other's are not lol. But if you want you can always imagine yourself that they are dating haha.

Please tell me in the comments or dms if you liked this or not!<3

Also, read part 1 first!

Word count: ~1700 words.

It was 9am and the nurses came in to Harry's room, Louis woke up and had a little happy smile because he knew he would see Harry again, being in this world.

The nurses did their stuff and removed all the unnecessary machines, they only left an IV and a small nasal cannula. "Harry, we need you to wake up now" one of the nurses said to Harry but they didn't get any response. The other nurse asked Louis if he wanted to try, "Haz, It's me Lou, I need you to wake up, please" louis begged without any hesitation. "He's vitals is going back to normal, keep going" the nurse said. Louis kept going and saw Harry eyes slowly flicker open. "Hey Haz, welcome back to the earth" Louis said with a relieved look on his face. "Hey Lou," Harry said with a hoarse voice. "Shh take it easy Haz, we were in a car accident, you are in the hospital, you have been in a medical induced coma for almost three days, then you also had surgery but everything went well" Louis told Harry calmly and smiled. "I'm sorry..." Harry said with a sad look, he told louis that he was feeling guilty of the car accident even tho he doesn't remember anything of it. "Don't worry Haz, it wasn't your fault" Louis said.

The nurses were happy to see that Harry was awake, which meant that he will be okay.

Harry was feeling tired so Louis let him sleep. He then called the other bandmates and told them Harry had woken up but was now asleep. The other boys came as fast as possible to Harry.


When they arrived they saw Louis sitting beside Harry in a chair. Harry heard them and opened his eyes, he were happy to see all of his friends there. "Hey bud, you know you scared the hell out of us, especially Lou" Liam said. "Hey, he feels already guilty from the car accident" Louis protested. "How are you doing buddy?" Niall asked. "I'm...f-...fine" Harry said weakly. Zayn saw how tired he looked and said "you probably should rest a little". "No, don't go please, guys...." Harry said and fell asleep.

The other boys except Louis then went back to the tour bus, they wanted to be with Harry but they didn't want to disturb him, cause he needed to sleep now.

Harry woke up again, "Lou?" He said weakly. "Yeah? You okay? Do you want me to call a nurse?" Louis replied. "I..I-...I can't feel my legs" Harry said with a scared look on his face. Louis were scared to hear that but tried to stay calm, "maybe I should go get a doctor" he said. Harry nodded slightly. They were lucky that the doctor happened to come right on time to check on Harry.

"Hi boys, how are you feeling Harry?" The doctor asked, "I can't feel my legs" Harry's voice was still weak and hoarse. "Let's take a look into that" the doctor said trying to stay calm and don't freak anyone out.

The doctor ran some tests on Harry and he got some news for the boys. "Okay so it looks like Harry's legs are short-time paralyzed, which means that he will not be able to walk in a few weeks but no later than a month he should be fully healed again" the doctor told Louis outside of the room but Harry heard them.

Louis came back in and saw Harry sitting in his bed sobbing. "I can't walk again" he said with tears in his eyes. "Ofc you can, you will just need a little practice, after a few weeks you will be completely back to normal" Louis comforted Harry and hugged him.

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