Waterslide accident (Louis)

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This is pretty random. Hope you like it tho<3

yeah and I have a lot of stories in progress so don't worry, requests just need more time because I want them to be perfect.

word count: -1510 words.

Anyway, have fun reading this.

The boys planned to spe nd the day at a waterpark today. They rented out the entire place so they could relax without being bothered by screaming fans. They loved their fans but sometimes they just wanted to have a day off without having to do anything. They packed their swimsuits, sunscreen, and towels, and went to the waterpark.

Louis's POV

We were all really excited, this was something we had been dreaming of for a long time. It was great to be able to just relax and have fun without any stress.

After spending a few hours there, we went to the biggest slide. We played rock paper scissors to decide who goes first. I won! I was about to go down the slide when I heard someone yell "NO WAIT...STOP".

Liam's POV

I spotted a large yellow sign on the side of the slide that read "OUT OF ORDER, DO NOT ENTER". How didn't we notice that? I tried to stop Louis from going down but it was already too late. Louis was already in the slide and not even a minute later we heard a thud.

It seems that the slide was broken and there was a gaping hole in the center. Louis fell through the hole, hitting his head on the edge of the swimming pool before falling unconscious into the water below.

We all ran down the tall ladder as fast as possible to get Louis out of the water.

Harry's POV

I leapt into the water and pulled Louis out. "check his pulse" Liam said. I quickly put my fingers on his neck. Nothing. "I-...I c-...ant f-...f..feel anyth..ing!" I said, feeling the tears starting to come to my eyes. "Harry, you know how to do CPR? Right?" Liam asked. I nodded in response and started the CPR.

While I was doing that Niall had called an ambulance. After six minutes of cpr, I checked for a pulse and saw that Louis was starting to wake up. I sighed in relief. Louis coughed up a bunch of water and then looked at me with a dazed and confused expression. "it's okay Lou, help is on the way" I comforted him. He nodded slightly, he probably wasn't feeling good enough to talk yet.

Louis's POV

I woke up to find all the familiar faces looking at me. Harry just told me that help was on the way. I had no idea what had happened. A few seconds after I heard sirens, medics came into my sight running towards me.  They put me on a stretcher and started asking questions. "what's your name? " one of the medics asked. "Louis...Tomlinson" I replied, still dazed from the accident.

The medic nodded and said "well Mr. Tomlinson, you hit your head pretty hard but we do not think anything is broken, you also may have a mild concussion, but we'll need to run some tests to be sure". I nodded as they put me on a stretcher and wheeled me into the ambulance. I was happy that Harry came with me, he meant so much to me, he was always there when I needed him the most.

Liam, Niall and Zayn packed our stuff and got to the hospital by car.

I was in the ambulance for about ten minutes before we reached the hospital. After another five minutes of questions, I had to have an MRI scan to check if I had a concussion or not. They found that I did indeed have a small concussion but that it wasn't anything major.

The doctors wanted me to stay overnight, just to keep an eye to make sure everything was fine. I did also need someone to stay with me for the next two hours to make sure I don't fall asleep. Since Harry and Niall were still at the hospital, they could do it.

They were trying to cheer me up by telling jokes, most of them were so terrible that they ended up being funny. I was so happy to have friends like that, always on my side whatever happened. They were like another family.

Liam and Zayn went to get food to eat while I was at the hospital. They brought some food for Harry and Niall and even me too, but I wasn't ready to eat yet so I saved it for later. But I was thankful for the thoughtfulness. Since Harry was standing there in nothing but swimshorts, they also brought him his clothes. They had apparently changed their own clothes on the way here.

After two hours of waiting in the room, a nurse came in to tell me that it was okay to sleep now. I nodded. The nurse left and we continued to talk about random stuff then I fell asleep in the middle of the conversation.

Harry's POV

Louis dozed off and we all grinned. It was clear that he was exhausted from a long day. We all knew that he needed some rest, but it was still funny to see him doze off in the middle of a conversation.  The rest of the boys went back home while I stayed at the hospital with Louis.

The next day arrived. I woke up in an uncomfortable position on the chair beside Louis's bed. "good morning Haz" Louis said. "Lou! how are you feeling?" I asked. "much better, I still have a headache but that's all" he replied.

We suddenly heard knocking on the door before it opened. "Hello mates! How is our convalescent doing?" Liam said with enthusiasm. "Better" Louis replied."I got your clothes" Zayn said. Louis thanked him. "Nice to se you more alive" Niall said. "I know I was pretty tired yesterday, but I wasn't gone" Louis replied.

"Uhm...actually almost, I had to do CPR on you for almost 4 minutes before I could feel a pulse again" I said. "Oh...ohhh, that's probably why my chest is a bit sore. Thank you for saving my life Haz," Louis said. "At least I didn't break your ribs. And you're welcome." I said, giggling at the last sentence cutely.

A nurse soon came in to inform Louis that he could be discharged from the hospital. But when he got up from the bed I noticed that something was wrong.

Louis's POV

I got up from my bed but as soon as I stood up I fellt really dizzy. "Lou? You okay?" Harry asked but before I could answer, I was already on the floor unconscious.  

I opened my eyes to see all the boys looking at me with worry on their faces. "What happened?" I asked. "you passed out" Liam said. I realized that my head was resting on Harry's lap and I looked up. "Hey there" Harry said, smiling. "I was really worried," he added. I just smiled at him in response.

Liam pressed the emergency button and a nurse arrived quickly. I was still on the floor, my head in Harry's lap. "He passed out" Harry told the nurse. "Is it normal?" I asked. "It's probably just an after-effect from your concussion. However, I cannot allow you to be discharged yet, but if you're feeling better later on the evening we can revisit the idea." the nurse said and helped me back to my bed.  I nodded. "Thank you" I said to her and she smiled in response before leaving the room.

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. We didn't do anything special and the boys left to grab some food and came back. We all ate, even I did. I ate the food they gave me yesterday.

It was now around 4pm and I felt pretty normal. "Lou? what are you doing" Harry asked, "I'm feeling better and I need to use the restroom," I said as I stood up. All of my friends were watching me carefully, concerned that I would pass out again.  But I didn't. I used the restroom and then when I got back to my bed, a nurse came in.

"Hello Mr. Tomlinson, it seems you've been doing well" she said to me with a smile. I nodded in response and she continued talking, "Well if it's okay with you and your friends, we can discharge you from the hospital" she said. Everyone looked at me expectantly. I smiled and nodded.

The others and I went to the car and headed back home. It felt nice to be back home. And things were getting back to normal again.

The next morning, we woke up to  play football but my friends made sure that I would take it easy and sit on the bench if I felt so. Life without my friends woudn't be worth living. I love them.

Thank you for reading, it means so much to me. I have already over 500 reads and I'm so thankful.

Requests are still open! it just takes a little while to write them<3.

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