Kidnapped 😰 (Harry)

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Hope you like this, I tried at least. justthehiddentruth
Again I hope y'all don't mind that I do so much harry/louis fics after each other, it's just that they're requests and as said, I can't not do it. But I promise there will be fics of the other guys too!

Wordcount: ~3300 words.
Oh and ⚠️tw⚠️ mentions of violence and blood (sorry Harry 🥺)
Harry's POV

I have been having this weird feeling for a while now, like somebody is watching me. Three weeks to be exact. I haven't said anything because I'm afraid others will think I'm insane if they find out.

I tried to ignore the feeling as much as possible. But it was becoming more and more difficult to ignore each day.

Zayn's POV

I could, we all could see that something was bothering Harry. "Hey is everything alright?" I asked him as I sat down on the couch next to him. "Yeah of course, I just...uhm I have this feeling that somebody's watching me" Harry said.

It felt unreal but we had paps and fans stalking us all the time so I understood why Harry felt that way. "Maybe it's the fans, or paps," I said. "But this feels just another level. Ugh I don't even know, just forget it" Harry said as he got up and walked into the kitchen.

"I'm going for a walk!" Harry said enthusiastically while putting on his jacket and shoes. As I walked by, I overheard Louis ask Harry if he was sure he wanted to go alone. "Is it okay?" Harry asked, and Louis nodded with a smile.

Harry's POV

I needed some time to clear my head. I walked around the block a few times so I wouldn't get lost. Time passed quickly and before long it was getting dark outside.

I was getting ready to go home but then I suddenly my vision went completely black. The only thing I remember before is hearing footsteps coming closer. Just before I fell into darkness I tried to scream for help but it was no use since there was a hand covering my mouth.

Louis's POV

It had gone hours. HOURS. And Harry still wasn't home. I was becoming more worried as time passed.

"Maybe he just went to the store to grab some food?" Niall tried to come up with something so I wouldn't freak out. "He doesn't answer his phone!!" I yelled. "Try again" Liam suggested, "maybe he didn't hear it".

I tried, but there was no response. I was frustrated. If Harry just showed up like nothing happened, I would slap him. But if he didn't come home, I could never forgive myself. "Why don't we wait a bit longer and if he hasn't shown up by tonight, we can go look for him" Zayn suggested.

"No I'm going now" I protested. "Fine then, let's go" Liam said and gestured to our front door. We shouted Harry's name and looked for him everywhere. We even asked the employees of nearby stores and cafes if they had seen him.

We searched high and low for him for hours. Eventually the boys wanted to 'give up' and continue tomorrow if Harry hadn't appeared by then. "But-"

"No Louis, we need to sleep so we have the energy to keep looking for him tomorrow" Liam said. "And tomorrow we can call the police" Niall added.

I didn't want to admit it but I was tired and it was cold so I kind of wanted to go home and sleep but at the same time I felt like betraying Harry if I did so. But I didn't have much of a choice.

Harry's POV

I wake up in a dark room sitting on a chair. I realize that my hands are tied behind my back and ankles are tethered to the chair as I attempt to move.

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