Migraine (Zayn)

939 14 6

An idea from @janop245
Word count: -1290 words.
Zayn's POV

I woke up today with a splitting headache. I've actually been having headaches for the past few days now. touring is really quite stressful. Although touring can be fun, it's also a lot of work. You're constantly traveling to different states and countries, doing interviews and photo shoots. All of that can be really stressful sometimes.

I winced as the sunlight coming from the window hit my eyes when I pulled back the curtain of my bunk. I tried to shake off the pain and started getting dressed. Then, I rummaged through my bag to see if I had any pain killers. I didn't.

I walked to the kitchenette and saw that everyone else was awake. I looked at my watch and was surprised by the time, 1:43pm. "Morning lad, there's still some sandwiches and pancakes left if you want breakfast" Liam said gesturing towards the counters. I was so out of it that I didn't even hear him at first. "Still asleep huh?" Louis joked. "oh ups, sorry...kinda" I said.

"Are you feeling okay Z?" Harry inquired, "Yeah, I just have a headache. It's been bothering me for a few days now and I don't have any pain killers with me" I responded."I have some iin my bag if you want?" Niall said nicely. "Thanks ni, could really need that to be honest" I said.

Niall showed me where he had them and gave a few pills to me, not to take them all at once, just in case if I needed some later.  I took one immediately.

"Maybe try to get some rest?" Niall suggested, "no, I'm not tired now, my head is just hurting pretty bad" I said, I wanted to go to sleep but I just woke up like 15 minutes ago and I wasn't tired.

I got up to my bunk anyway, I hadn't much energy and we had an interview today at 5pm. I grabbed a book and started reading it.

Niall's POV

I felt bad for Zayn, we all suffer from headaches frequently, but he told me this had been going on for a few days. I made sure he was comfortable and he said he would just stay in bed and read his book until it was time to get ready for our interview today.

I returned to the lounge and saw the other boys playing on PlayStation. "WE WON!" Louis yelled. "Shhh! Zayn has a really bad headache and doesn't need any loud noise around him" I said. "It's not about winners or losers...but we won!" Harry said. Liam rolled his eyes and said, "Niall please save me from this". I chuckled and went to sit next to him. I grabbed a controller and joined his team. We all played for a while until it was 4pm.

"I think we should start getting ready, we have to go in like half an hour" Harry said, looking at his watch. So we closed the game and everyone started getting ready, changing clothes, fixing hairs...etc.

Louis's POV

I went to the bunks to tell Zayn that it was time to start getting ready for our interview. He had fallen asleep with a book in his hand. He looked so peaceful. I gently shook his shoulder and said, "Hey, it's time to go". He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me groggily. "Is it already 5pm?" he asked. "Yeah almost, we have to leave in like half an hour" I said.

He nodded and slowly got up from the bed. "How's the headache?" I asked. "It's still there, but the pain killers are helping" he said. We walked to the lounge and I could see that he was still in a lot of pain. Harry saw it too and said, "Zayn we can reschedule if you're not feeling well enough". Zayn shook his head and said, "No, I'll be fine. Just let me take a few more minutes".

We waited for him until 4:30pm and then we left for our interview. The interview went well...but poor Zayn didn't seem to be doing well at all.

Zayn's POV

I was feeling worse after the interview, but I decided not to say anything to the boys because there was not really anything they could've done about it other than worry. I just felt a pounding sensation in my head.

Niall suggested we go out for dinner, and even though I wasn't feeling particularly hungry, I knew I needed to eat something - all I had today was a sandwich. So we went to a restaurant nearby. Although I didn't need to vomit, the sensation of nausea was very unpleasant.

I was preoccupied with my thoughts and barely touched my food. "Hey, you okay?" Liam asked. I nodded, but didn't say anything. I was too wrapped up in my own thoughts to really carry on a conversation. Liam must have sensed this, because he didn't press me for more conversation either. We just ate in silence for a while.

We finished our meal and began to walk back towards the tour bus. I went to bed as soon as we got in, not even bothering to take my clothes off. I was actually feeling a little bit ill, but not too much.

Louis's POV

"I'm starting to get worried about him. He's been so out of it today" I said. "Hopefully it's just a headache" Liam said, looking visibly concerned.

We all went to bed. I quickly fell asleep but was jolted awake by a noise. When I turned over, I saw Zayn vomiting on the floor. I got up to help him clean up. "Hey? it's alright, just go back to bed, I'll take care of this" I said as I noticed Zayn's teary eyes. He nodded and got back to his bunk, and then mumbled "I'm sorry". "It's okay Z, don't worry" I said.

After cleaning up, I went to my bunk. I stayed awake for a little while to keep an eye on Zayn and when he appeared to be asleep, I tried to get some sleep too.

I woke up around eight in the morning, Zayn was sound asleep like everyone else, which made me smile. I changed my clothes and went for a walk. When I came back, everyone was already awake. "How's your headache Z?" Harry asked Zayn. "It's actually getting a little bit better" Zayn said.

"You're not feeling nauseous anymore?" I asked, joining the conversation. "No, I don't think so," Zayn said. "Nauseous?" Liam asked. "Yeah, uhm Zayn threw up last night" I explained. "Yeah but I'm better now, and happy that even the headache is subsiding" Zayn said. "We're glad to see you more like yourself again" Niall said.

"Do you think you're able to perform today?" I asked. Zayn nodded, "yeah". "If you start feeling worse again in the evening, we'll take you to see a doctor" Harry said. "Yeah, most likely they would just give me stronger headaches medication...but I guess I would need it" Zayn said.

After our concert Zayn told us that his headache was returning. So we took him to see a doctor, and as he predicted, they did what he said they would - prescribed him stronger pain killers. Afterwards, we went to the pharmacy and got his medication. A few days later, his headache was almost gone - atleast temporarily.


How was it? I feel like it was a bit short but I'm kinda busy right now (I have my last finals of this year tomorrow) but that's why I think I could almost do a pt 2 if anyone wants...
Hope y'all enjoyed it anyway!<3

Coming up (not in this order):

- back pain
- food poisioning
- kidney problems
- lost and injured & bad weather (possibly a follow up with a cold)
- seizure alone (pt 2)

Which are you the most exited for?

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