Heatstroke (Louis)

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Yeah I don't know this is maybe a boring one.

This is a rewritten/edited version since wattpad decided to cut away half of the original story (probably I just messed up something but I blaming it on wattpad) but I tried to keep it the same as much as I can remember. If any of you have read this before and remember what I wrote in the original, please tell me.

Enjoy <3.
Word count: 1300 words.
Louis's POV

It was really warm, like really warm outside today, but it was too hot to be inside too since our hotel's air conditioner was broken. The sun was beating down and the heat was just unbearable. We all decided to go to the beach to cool off and play some beach games.

I felt the heat sting through my skin but I tried my best to ignore it. We kept reminding each other to drink a lot of water, and I did my best to stay hydrated. Despite that, the heat was still intense and I could feel myself getting weaker as the day went on.

We were doing so much fun stuff at the beach. We played some volleyball, Liam and Zayn on one team and Niall, Harry and I on the other. We also went swimming, sunbathed, and build sand castles.

After a few fun hours messing around at the beach with the boys, I started to feel a little weird. I started to feel extremely tired, dizzy, and nauseous. I knew something was wrong...or not, maybe I just was tired? I'm sure the others had noticed it by now since they had stopped playing and walked towards me.

"You okay, Lou?" Harry asked, looking really worried. "You seem a bit pale". I nodded, trying to reassure him. "I think I'm just tired..." I thought I was speaking the truth, but now I'm not so sure, I felt strange.

Harry's POV

We were so engrossed in having fun that we didn't even realize how oppressively hot it actually was outside. I noticed Louis wasn't really paying attention to anything, so the we walked over to him.

I reached over and placed my hand on his arm. "You ok, Lou?" I asked worriedly. "I think I'm just tired..." he replied, it didn't sound convincing to my ears. I could tell something was wrong. He was sweaty and he wouldn't meet my eyes.

"I think we should take a break" Zayn said as he sat down on one of the sunloungers, with Niall following behind.

Louis seemed to be in a daze. "Louis? Lou? Lou! can you hear me?" I said as I made eye contact with him. He didn't seem to be present. I waved my hand in front of his face, but he didn't react. I called out his name again, but he responded slowly, "there's...I-...fine" he said with slightly slurred speech. I was starting to get worried. After making eye contact with the others, who all wore expressions of concern, I turned my gaze back to Louis.

Louis was staring off into space and sweating profusely. He was losing consciousnedd and was about to fall but Liam and I managed to catch him before he hit the hot sand we stood on. We then carefully laid him down on the ground. "He's burning up" I said as I gently placed my hand on Louis's forehead.

"Zayn, call an ambulance! Niall, get an umbrella or something to create a shadow!" Liam said as he took charge. I just sat there running my fingers through Louis's hair, trying to comfort him as best as I could. "Don't worry boo, help is on the way" I told an unconscious Louis.

Louis's POV 

I came to in an ambulance and asked groggily, "What happened?".

"Oh my god, Lou!" Harry cried out before enveloping me in a gentle hug. "What happened?" I repeated, still dazed. Harry explained that I passed out from a heatstroke.

A few minutes later we arrived at the hospital. Liam, Niall and Zayn were already in the waiting room when we arrived. The doctors wanted to run a few more tests just to be sure and told Harry to join the others.

Harry's POV

I was hoping it wasn't anything too serious - a heatstroke sounded pretty bad...but I was relieved when they said Louis would be fine. He would need to rest for a few days and stay out of the sun as much as possible. He should drink plenty of fluids and avoid strenuous activity.

After what felt like 10 minutes, a doctor came to us and said we could go see Louis. We were directed to his room. He looked so exhausted.I sat down on a chair next to his bed and asked, "How are you feeling?". The rest of the boys did the same. "To be honest, I'm not sure. Maybe slightly better" Louis replied.

"The doctors said you had a heatstroke and were really dehydrated, we were so worried Lou" Liam explained.

Louis's POV

I was advised to rest for a few days and stay out of the sun as much as possible. I spent the rest of the day in a hospital bed, so we didn't get to do much. The boys and I were just hanging out, chatting about random stuff until the night approached.

I was released from the hospital the following day and upon returning to our hotel, we were relieved to find that the air conditioner had been fixed. The heat in the room had been unbearable, and we were all exhausted from the heat.

"Oh my god, finallyyy it's fixed!" Niall said as he stepped in front of the air conditioner and allowed the cool breeze to hit him. Liam chuckled and went to stand next to him. Eventually even Zayn joined afterwards.

I was exhausted so I went to bed. Harry followed me and asked if I was feeling alright several times. He seemed really worried about me and wouldn't stop asking if I was sure I was feeling okay. "I'm okay, Harry," I said as I pulled the duvet over me "Just tired".  "Okay then...but if you feel even slightly strange, you promise to tell me immediately, even in the middle of the night, okay?" Harry said. "Yes Haz, I promise" I said smiling.

Harry cuddled up with me and made sure I was feeling comfortable throughout the night.

I woke up feeling slightly better this morning, but I was still tired and had a headache. So, I decided to take a cold shower for some relief. Afterwards, I got back in bed and scrolled through my Twitter feed.

After a few minutes, Harry woke up and asked tiredly, "How are you feeling, Lou?". "I'm feeling better than expected considering I had a heatstroke yesterday. I still have a headache and feel tired, but I'll be fine" I said as I hugged him slightly. "Okay, let me know if you need anything," Harry said. I nodded.

I got up from bed and headed to the lounge. "Hey, are you feeling better?" Liam said as he came out from the bathroom, a towel around his waist. "Yeah, a little" I responded. Liam explained that Zayn and Niall had gone to the market, telling me that I could call or text them if I needed anything. "Okay thanks" I said.

An hour later, Zayn and Niall came back to the hotel room with bags full of stuff they probably didn't need but also some essentials. "He's like a shopaholic!" Zayn said jokingly. "Did you guys buy the whole shopping center?" Harry joked. "Kinda...but we got everyone a present!" Niall exclaimed.

I gradually felt better and things returned to normal. We would have to go back to work soon, which made me happy because I got to sing for the fans again with my lads.

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