Seizure pt. 2 (Harry)

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This a part to of "seizure alone" but ig you can still read it even if you haven't read the first part.

Wordcount: ~2600 words.

Harry's POV

Today I felt weird when I woke up. It was a feeling I've had before, I just couldn't remember. But it wasn't a good feeling.

I was tired, a bit nauseous even. I hoped I hadn't catched a flu or something.

"Good morning lads" I said as I approached the kitchen. "Hello there man, did you sleep well?" Liam asked. "Yeah, kinda" I replied. "What do you mean kinda?" Louis inquired. "Nah it's nothing, I feel a bit weird but I don't know how to describe it, I just hope I'm not getting the flu again" I said as I took some cereal.

After breakfast we had to head to the studio to do some rehearsals and sound checks for the concert next day.

"Harry focus" I heard one of the producers say (I'm not sure who does the soundcheck with the guys so correct me if I'm wrong). I don't know why I found it so hard to concentrate today. I just felt weird and even dizzy.

'Is this normal? Is it just a flu?' I tought to myself. I tried to just shrug off the feeling and continue on. "Can we take a break?" I asked when my headache worsened and I even felt some weird tingling in my body.

All the boys looked at me with worried expressions. "Ofc. Hazza? what's wrong?" Louis asked concernedly, "I feel weird..." I admitted. It was hard to stay focused.

"Should we take you to get checked out by a doctor or something?" Liam offered. "No!" I said quickly and then regretted it as my head pounded harder. I didn't really want to make a nuber of it if it was nothing and I was just overreacting.

But then suddenly the room started spinning, I could feel myself losing balance and falling to the floor and then everything went black.

Louis's POV

"Harry?" Oh shit. Harry fell to the floor unconscious and quickly after his body started jerking and convulsing.

I had never seen him have a seizure before. I only remember the time not so long ago when he called me right before he had one and I wasn't there. I still feel guilty that I wasn't there for him.

"Louis and Zayn turn him to his side and put something soft under his head" Liam ordered as he pulled out his phone. "Niall, go grab some water or something. I'll call an ambulance" he continued.

We did as Liam instructed and a few minutes later Harry's convulsions started slowing down. "Harry, can you hear me?" I asked softly. "Can you open your eyes for me?".

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at us confused. Shortly after Niall came back with some water.

I hadn't even realized until Zayn cried out "he's seizuring again!". We waited a few minutes until he finally slowed down again. "Hey, you're so good, now can you open those beautiful eyes again?" I asked softly.

It took him a while but he eventually opened his eyes and was really confused.

"What happened?" he asked in a dazed voice. "You had a seizure, actually two, we're waiting for the ambulance" Liam said quietly. "seizures? again?! I thought I wasn't supposed to get them anymore?" Harry said as he tried to get up. "Easy there love" I said soothingly. We helped him to sit up and he took a few sips from the waterbottle Niall brought.

Suddenly we heard the sirens and a few minutes later the ambulance arrived and medics came running towards us. "Wait what? I don't need an ambulance" Harry said, still sounding a bit confused or dazed. "Yes you do love, it's not normal to get seizures like that" I said softly.

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