Overdose of LSD (harry)

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I actually had a dream about this yesterday so I decided to make it a fic. So enjoy ig 😭😭 also Tw for drugs and alcohol and kids, please don't do drugs.

Word count: ~3000 words.
Lately, the pressure on the boys has been relentless. Management's been riding them hard, scheduling back-to-back events with hardly a moment to breathe. Their days are a blur of interviews, photo shoots, and live performances.

It's the life of an artist, sure, but everyone has their limits, and they feel like they're inching closer to ours every day.

Harry's POV

The weight of exhaustion is a constant companion these days, and it's not just me feeling it—we all are. But I'm only 16, and there's this nagging thought that maybe this isn't how life should be, even for someone in the spotlight.

The others seem to handle it with such strength, and I can't help but wonder why it's so hard for me to do the same. The stress is unrelenting; it's like I'm losing grip on my own life. Our schedules are so packed that finding time to eat feels like a luxury, and our 'breaks' are laughably brief.

It's not just physical tiredness; it's mental, too. I'm hanging on by a thread, trying to manage, but I can feel myself nearing the end of my tether.

On the tour bus, en route to yet another destination, we're granted a precious half-hour of downtime. I sink into the couch, phone in hand, scrolling on Facebook and that's when I see it—a notification about a party for teens, just down the street. The idea of going sparks a bit of excitement in me. It's happening today, and even though I'm late to the game, I'm hopeful they'll let me join the fun. It's a small thing, but right now, it feels like a lifeline.

Third person POV

The hum of the tour bus was a gentle backdrop to the quiet activity within. Harry, lost in thought, scrolled aimlessly through Facebook.

Louis, noticing Harry's distant gaze, flopped down beside him. "Hey Haz, what's happening?" he asked, trying to peer over at the screen. "Oh, just scrolling on Facebook," Harry muttered, his voice betraying a hint of something more.

They sat in a comfortable silence, the kind that only comes with familiarity. The bus rolled to a stop, and they were herded off by their team, moving through the motions of another packed day.

Interviews came and went in a blur, their laughter during photo shoots not quite reaching their eyes. They were all running on empty, the constant go-go-go of their schedule leaving them more robot than human. Niall's jokes provided brief relief, but even those were tinged with the weariness they all felt. The journey home was a silent affair, each lost in their own world of fatigue.

When they finally got back, the house was super quiet, except for the sound of their stomachs telling them it was time to eat.

"I'm so hungry I could eat a horse," Niall announced, breaking the silence. Liam nodded in agreement, "I could go for a feast right now." A soft chorus of laughter followed, the sound a balm to their tired souls.

They each picked at their food, the day's exhaustion making even eating feel like a chore. "I can't remember the last time I was this tired," Zayn confessed as they wrapped up their meager meal. Heads bobbed in agreement, the sentiment shared by all.

After eating, they all went to their rooms to crash. But Harry wasn't planning on sleeping just yet. The idea of normalcy, of a night out like any regular teenager, was too tempting. He waited until the house was quiet, the soft sounds of his friends' slumber filling the air, before slipping out into the night, drawn to the promise of escape, if only for a few hours.

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