Shot twice 😖 (Liam)

536 12 14

Honestly I don't think this is at all what you wanted but it's 4:30am rn and I'm pretty tired so I hope you like it anyway.

Request by: @bradboysarebetter1996

Wordcount: ~2400 words.
Liam's POV

We had just completed an interview and were en route to the next one. It was located a bit further away from home, so we spent 45 minutes in the car. When we arrived, there were hordes of fans screaming and waiting outside the venue.

"God, this crowd is huge" Harry said nervously. "How are we going to get through?". He was correct, it would be a challenge avoiding being swarmed. "I don't think we have any other choice than to...try" I replied.

We managed to get out of the car and make our way through the packed crowd with the help of security.

We were all doing fine until a loud alarm went off, sending everyone into a screaming and panicking frenzy.

Suddenly, a lot of the workers appeared and they started to guide the fans out. "What's going on??" Niall exclaimed in a panic. "It'll be okay Niall, I'm sure they're taking care of whatever is happening" I told him reassuringly.

"We have a situation here, we believe there is someone with a gun in this building" came the announcement over the speakers. There was an audible gasp from everyone.

"What are you guys doing, come down from the stage now!" Paul shouted as he came to pick us up. We were getting ready to walk off the stage when we suddenly heard two loud gun shots.At first, I thought the sound was just a warning that we needed to get out of there immediately. But then I noticed the blood on my chest...and suddenly, I couldn't feel anything anymore. Everything went black.

Louis's POV

What the fuck just happened? We were having fun at an interview event one minute, and the next Liam was lying on the ground unconscious with blood coming out of his chest."Liam!" We all cried out in unison as we saw him lose consciousness. "Fuck, what do we do now?!" Zayn asked frantically.

"We can't stay here either, that fucker whoever it was, will find us and kill us all" Harry said, being just as shaky as the rest of us. Paul returned to see why the wait was taking so long and then he saw Liam. "Oh shit, what happened?"

"He got shot, I think" Niall cried. "We need to get him out," Paul said. "Louis, call an ambulance. Zayn and Harry, help me carry him to somewhere safe. Niall, call our tour medics," everyone did as they were told.

"No, he's unconscious...alright, yeah...yes a lot, from his chest and uhm...a little bit from his ankle too...okay, yeah thank you" I said as I spoke with the ambulance on the phone. They told me not to hang up yet but I went back to the others.

"How is he?" I asked as I approached them. "His pulse is very weak and the bleeding is hard to stop" Paul told me. I couldn't help but let out a tear. What if he doesn't survive this? Was this his last day?

"It's okay Lou, he's strong. You know that, he'll be alright" Harry said as he hugged me, also fighting back tears.

About four minutes later, the ambulance finally arrived. "Can we come with him?" I asked the medics as they were loading Liam into the ambulance. "I'm sorry sir, he's in a very critical condition right now. We'll call you from the hospital when we know more" the medic explained.

I nodded and turned back to Paul. "Can you drive us there?" I asked. "Louis, listen now. I can if you want. I would suggest you all go home and get some rest, they told me that Liam has to have surgery and that he's probably not waking up until tomorrow" Paul said. "But-..."

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