Sick but no one believes (Liam)

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So I think logitech2401 requested some kind of this story haha or just gave me the idea of it. But anyway, I hope you like it.

Also I feel bad for making the boys seem mean or careless in this one but remember it's just so this story could make sense! I don't really think they would act like this...maybe.

Word count: -1520 words.

Liam's PO,V

I slept poorly last night. I was nauseous and my stomach was aching. I felt around under my pillow for my phone to see what time it was; 04:37AM, I let out a groan and turned over, trying to go back to sleep. I was unsuccessful in falling asleep. Just as I was about to drift off, I heard our alarm clock go off. "Oh fuck" I muttered into my pillow.

I saw the others starting to wake up out of the corner of my eye. I was completely drained of energy. "Hey man, we need to get ready," Louis said as he poked my shoulder, "We've got a rehearsal in an hour". "Mm...I feel a bit ill" I mumbled, barely any voice coming out."I know you're tired, but don't make excuses," Louis said. "It's not that bad of a day, just a rehearsal and a couple of photo shoots".

I couldn't understand why he didn't believe me, But maybe I was just overreacting. I got up slowly from my bed and immediately felt the urge to vomit, then ran to the bathroom.

I was unaware of how much time had passed since I entered the bathroom until I heard a knock on the door. "Hey mate, are you renovating in there or what's taking you so long?" Niall inquired.

I silently opened the door and walked out. Niall gave me a judgmental look as he entered, seemingly bothered that I had taken more than five minutes in the bathroom. I then went to the dining table where everyone else was sitting and eating breakfast. I made a sandwich for myself, but after a few bites I realized that I just couldn't eat. I felt too nauseous.

"Are you feeling okay Li? You're not hungry?" Harry inquired, to which I responded "I just feel a little ill, that's all". "No, he's just faking," Louis snapped. "You were sick like two weeks ago," Zayn said skeptically. After that, I just didn't have the energy to fight back, so I put my sandwich on the counter for someone to eat it and walked away.

Zayn's POV

I checked my watch and saw that we only had fifteen minutes left. "Shit, we need to hurry," I said as I stood up and left my dish in the sink. The others hurried as well.

We then headed to the studio and arrived there just in time. Liam didn't look that bad after all, so maybe Louis was right.

Our rehearsal got off to a good start. Or at least the first half of it did.

Niall's POV

I was told that Liam was faking sick but I wasn't entirely convinced. I thought there was a possibility he might actually be unwell. But then the others talked me into believing he wasn't, so I let it go.

I kept a close eye on him during the rehearsal, just to be safe.

Harry's POV

I was sure something was wrong with Liam, why would he lie to us? I didn't get why the others thought he was faking.

I stayed by his side through the rehearsal and frequently asked him if he was alright, he said he was but each time I was less convincing.

Liam's POV

I was relieved that Harry actually seemed to believe me. Even though I tried not to make a big deal out of it, since I didn't want ruin everyone's day.

The beginning of the rehearsal went well. But when we were about to start the second half, I felt awful. I was so sick, it was unlike anything I had ever experienced before.I clasped my hand over my mouth as I dropped the microphone on the floor and sprinted to the bathroom.

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