Broken arm & concussion (Louis)

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I got inspired by Louis's broken arm right now, I don't think this is ehat happened especially since these stories are in the 1d days but I just thought it would be fun to write.

Wordcount: ~2300 words.
The boys had this glorious idea of playing truth & dare...Little did they know they would end up in hospital.

It was a Tuesday, a day off. In fact, they had a whole week off. Which was a lot for them. It all started with truth and dare.

They were gathered in the living room at home with blankets and pillows and snacks. "I dare you to do a run around the house without shoes!" Louis said giving Niall a dare.  "Sure!" Niall accepted it and got up. Liam followed behind to get it on tape. Zayn, Louis and Harry waited inside.

Niall was completely out of breath when he and Liam came back. Even Liam seemed to be out of breath too. "I didn't say you had to be fast" Louis said chuckling a little. "You okay?" Harry asked as he noticed Niall had a hard time catching his breath.

Niall was bent down, hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. "Yeah, I as...possible...I have never run so fast in my life" Niall said after finally catching his breath. "For real tho, it was like chasing a cheetah. I don't think he even run so fast to the grocery that day we pranked him food was going to end" Liam said, a bit shocked.

"New record then. But why did you run so fast?!" Zayn asked. "I don't know, it was fun" Niall said chuckling a little as he sat back down. "Okay, your turn" Harry said to Niall.

"Okay...Louis" Niall began with a smirk. "Truth or dare...choose wisely" he continued, keeping the smirk. "Truth!...ah, no, dare!" Louis said. "You sure?" Niall asked and Louis nodded.

"I dare you to go the playground, climb to the highest spot you can find and take a shirtless selfie" Niall gave Louis the dare and laughed at himself. "Seriously? Alright!" Louis accepted it.

"Well I kinda wanna see this so...gonna come with you" Harry said as he stood up. He loved to see a shirtless Louis.

They all decided to go with him to witness this moment. As they arrived they all looked for a safely high place where Louis could climb up on. "Maybe that swing!" He pointed. "Yeah okay, that'll be it!" Niall agreed since the only other option was a tree and that was too dangerous...right? A swing wasn't...or was it?

Louis climbed on top of the swing carefully (like not the swing thingy, just the thing that holds it up if you get what I mean). He took off his shirt and tossed it to Harry. Then he was taking a lot of silly selfies.

"Okay, I'm done!" Louis said. While he was about to go down his phone slipped of his hand and when he stupidly tried to catch it and slipped. The next thing he knew he was laying in the ground.

It all happened so fast, no one had time to even react. "Lou!" Harry yelled and ran to him, the rest following behind.

"Hey buddy, you okay?" Liam asked as he noticed the pained expression on Louis's face. "Louis?" Harry repeated after a moment for waiting for a response.

"No, no keep eyes open baby" Harry tried to keep him awake but it was hard. "Alright Zayn call an ambulance, Niall and Harry help me" Liam instructed taking control of everything. He was usually the best in these kind of situations, always aware of what to do.

Louis was losing consciousness and Zayn just announced that the ambulance would arrive in approx. 7 minutes. "They said we have to keep him awake" he told the boys.

"It's kinda too late" Niall said, looking at an unconscious Louis on the ground. Harry tried to wake him up by gently slapping his cheeks, "Louis, try to wake up okay? You need to do it, for me? Please" He pleaded.

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