Sick Niall (louis) part 2

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Okay, I know this one is not that good, but I feel so bad for not being able to give you stories as much as I used to, I'm really trying my best. Also I think this is quite okay to read even if you haven't read the first part.

Thank you, I hope you understand and apologies if this seems a bit unlogical and/or rushed.

Wordcount: ~2000 words.
Louis's POV

"Absolutely amazing" I thought to myself sarcastically the second I woke up. I woke up with this familiar feeling of headaches, nausea, sore throat...etc. I just immediately knew I had catched Niall's flu.

Luckily I didn't feel too bad yet so I decided to not tell anyone unless it gets worse by the day.

I was actually ready to get up and start the day but then I checked my phone and realized it's only 2.03AM.

Surprisingly I didn't feel tired at all. I got up to make myself some tea. After drinking it up I went back to bed.

It felt weird, when I was walking to the bunks I felt my stomach turn around. I felt the nausea hit me like a ton of bricks. Luckily I managed to get to the bathroom in time.

I dry heaved for a good few minutes, but nothing came up. After I caught my breath I looked in the mirror. My face was pale and there were bags under my eyes.

I turned on the shower and got in, letting the hot water run over me. It felt nice to just stand there and relax. After a while I got out and dried off, then climbed into bed again.

"mmm hey why are you still up so late?" Harry asked, half asleep as I tried to get to my bunk as quietly as possible. "I woke up in the middle of the night, don't really know why" I replied tiredly. "Mhmm" Harry mumbled something I couldn't understand, he was asleep again.

I laid there for a while, just looking at the ceiling. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew it was morning and Niall was shaking me awake. "Come on lazy bones, time to get up" he said with a smile.

Unfortunately I felt even worse now, I had to run to the bathroom to throw up. Niall was waiting outside for me when I came out. "Are you alright?" he asked with a look of concern. "Uhm, yeah..."

"Erm how are you feeling?" I asked to change the subject. "Quite okay actually, my throat is still sore and I'm having headaches but otherwise I'm feeling much better, thank's mostly because of you, thank you for taking care of me when I was sick" Niall told. Louis's POV

"Absolutely amazing" I thought to myself sarcastically the second I woke up. I woke up with this familiar feeling of headaches, nausea, sore throat...etc. I just immediately knew I had catched Niall's flu.

Luckily I didn't feel too bad yet so I decided to not tell anyone unless it gets worse by the day.

I was actually ready to get up and start the day but then I check my phone and realize it's only 2.03AM.

Surprisingly I didn't feel tired at all. I got up to make myself some tea. After drinking it up I went back to bed.

It felt weird, when I was walking to the bunks I felt my stomach turn around. I felt the nausea hit me like a ton of bricks. Luckily I managed to get to the bathroom in time.

I dry heaved for a good few minutes, but nothing came up. After I caught my breath I looked in the mirror. My face was pale and there were bags under my eyes.

I turned on the shower and got in, letting the hot water run over me. It felt nice to just stand there and relax. After a while I got out and dried off, then climbed into bed again.

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