Chapter 4 : Bonfire

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Cessie's POV ...

I walked, following Alby's footsteps. Today has been a long day for me. Honestly, I'm terrified to be in this place, being the only girl. I have no idea what will happen next, but I don't want to die at their hands.

The night sky is so beautiful. The stars shine brightly, illuminating the Glade.

"Hey, you good?" Alby asked, gently patting my shoulder. It snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Uh, yeah, I'm fine," I replied to him. I looked around at the people scattered around here.

"Bonfire, Greenie," Alby said with a smile.

"What's this for? Is it someone's birthday?" I innocently asked Alby. He immediately burst into laughter upon hearing my question.

"For your information, every time a new kid arrives, the Gladers celebrate it by having a bonfire," Alby explained. His eyes were busy searching for someone. From here, Alby seemed preoccupied with his actions. I wondered who else he was looking for. Until someone from the crowd approached me and Alby.

"Hey, Newt," he greeted Newt.

Newt approached us with a bottle in his hand. The drink inside the bottle was tea-like and it was poured into a jar-like container.

"Hey, Alby. Look who's joining us," Newt said as he arrived in front of me and Alby, glancing towards me to indicate that he was referring to me. He smiled at me, a sweet smile.

I looked at Alby, hoping he would say something to shift Newt's focus onto him.

"I just took her on a short tour today," Alby said.

"Don't forget what I told you earlier, shank..." Alby said to Newt, patting his arm and then joining the crowd of guys over there.

FYP: SHANK - Glader slang term used to tease each other. (Welcome back, the ugly shank).

"Hey, aren't you our special guest tonight?" Newt said, signaling me to join.

Without saying anything, I followed him. Newt and I sat on a fallen tree near the crowd of other Gladers. It was just the two of us.

"Alby said that tonight you'll sleep in the med-jack first. Usually, the Gladers sleep in the open homestead. So according to Alby, it's not safe for you to be there. Well, better to be cautious, right?"

I agreed with what he said.

"Do you want to try?" Newt asked, handing me a drink from the bottle he had been carrying.

"What is this?" I asked, taking the drink he offered. I brought it close to my nose to smell the aroma. It had a peculiar scent.

"You can give it a try, greenie," said Newt to me.

I drank the beverage without taking a breath, so as not to inhale the aroma into my lungs.

After one gulp, I immediately regretted it.

"What is this, Newt?" I exclaimed in frustration, handing the drink back to him and wiping my lips. Once again, Newt chuckled at me. It seemed like he was satisfied seeing me choke.

"I don't know. It's Gally's concoction," he said.

"Eww. It tastes like I want to puke," I grumbled.

Silence fell between me and Newt. Suddenly, I remembered something.

"What place is this, Newt?" I asked him, staring at the maze door that was open when Chuck and I were talking, but now it was closed.

"It appears to be a maze," I continued softly, but Newt could still hear me.

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