Chapter 29 : The Truth

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Author's POV...

As the sky began to turn into evening, Thomas, the Runners, and Minho returned to the Glade. They immediately headed to the mapping room located in the forest. Thomas then called them to come to the mapping shack to discuss something important.

"What happened?" Newt asked as he arrived.

Newt and Minho didn't care about what had just happened between them. Minho was acting as if nothing happened, even though he had just finished punching Newt in the face.

"It's really important. But you don't need to tell the Gladers so they won't panic," Thomas explained to Newt.

Newt then looked at Thomas and then glanced at the Runners who were sitting and standing around, engaging in light activities like eating, drinking, and wiping off the dirt from their bodies.

"Just get to the point, you're dragging it out," Minho said without paying attention to his surroundings.

"We didn't find any Griever carcass there!" Thomas said, causing Newt to widen his eyes.

"Yeah, it's pretty bad because it seems like the Creators cleaned up the place and moved the Griever elsewhere," one Runner said.

"That's right! But it's confirmed that the Griever is dead since there are still some traces of it left at the scene," another Runner added.

"How is that possible?" Newt asked. Minho then looked at him and spoke.

"We don't know yet, that's why we went there to check. Now you're asking us when we haven't found any answers at all," Minho said and then walked out of the room.

When Minho left, Newt immediately followed him from behind.

"Minho, hey, wait!" Newt said, trying to catch up to him.

"Hmm," Minho mumbled, which meant 'what'. Minho kept walking.

The atmosphere in the Glade was getting late, and some were finishing up their last activities by tidying up their work areas.

"Minho, listen to me!" Newt said, still chasing after him.

Minho then turned around and looked at Newt.

Minho observed every curve of the boy's face.

"You look really bad," he said softly, nodding after finishing the sentence.

Minho continued to focus on Newt, who was bruised from his actions.

"Minho, forgive me if—" Newt's words were cut off as Minho interrupted.

"It's fine. I don't like that girl! You can—" Newt interrupted Minho's speech.

"It's not that. Listen, Minho. I admit I like her, but I've tried everything, even confessing directly to her, but she doesn't like me. And I know who's the reason she rejected me!" Newt said, making Minho fall silent.

"It's you," Newt said again, leaving Minho stunned.

In Minho's mind, why did he have to be the reason Cessie rejected Newt? They clearly kissed, and Cessie seemed to enjoy it.

"Enough, Newt. It's better if—" before he could finish his sentence, Chuck ran towards Minho and Newt.

"What's up, Chuck?" Minho asked.

"Newt. Teresa!!" Chuck said, interrupted due to being out of breath from running.

"What's wrong?" Newt asked, panicked by Chuck's expression, then ran towards Teresa's hut.

"Teresa!" Newt called out to Teresa as he entered the hut. Gally and Winston were already inside, looking at the girl in disbelief.

"What's going on?" Minho asked.

"Winston? Gally? What's wrong?" Newt asked.

Chuck approached Teresa, who was sitting on her bed, hugging her knees tightly.

The girl looked extremely shocked and frightened.

"I dreamt! I dreamt, Newt, but it wasn't a dream!" Teresa said.

"She found her memories while sleeping," Winston explained.

"What do you remember?" Minho asked, immediately intrigued by what Teresa was saying.

They were highly interested because it was rare for a Glader to recall their memories.

In fact, some didn't remember anything about their past at all.

"It's Cessie!" Teresa exclaimed, holding Minho's hand.

Minho and Newt widened their eyes at Teresa's revelation.

Minho, who was sitting on Teresa's bed, stood up and pulled his hand away from her.

"I told you, Newt, didn't I? I told you from the beginning when Alby was still dying!" Gally said angrily. Winston calmed Gally down.

Newt approached Teresa and asked her gently, "What do you remember?"

"Wicked!" Teresa said briefly.

They fell silent for a moment before Teresa looked at Newt and spoke directly.

"It's Cessie. Wicked is Cessie. She's one of them! Cessie is part of them!" Teresa said.

Newt couldn't believe this. Even Minho didn't believe it.

How could they believe that Cessie was Wicked? She seemed too weak to possess that kind of power.

She was too innocent to work with Wicked. What could she possibly do with Wicked to make them want to work with her?

Newt covered his mouth with his hand, indicating that he was shocked by Teresa's statement.

"It can't be, Teresa!" Minho said.

Gally, who was watching Minho, hissed in annoyance.

"What can't it be? Need proof? Remember Ben? What about Alby? Haven't there been enough pieces of evidence?" Gally said irritably due to Minho's reaction.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP, GALLY!" Minho shouted harshly, making Gally fall silent.

"Enough, Minho, don't get too emotional," Chuck said.

"I'm serious, Minho. I saw it. I saw her in a room like a laboratory with various advanced computers and some activities she accessed," Teresa reassured.

Minho refused to believe it, but he couldn't ignore what Teresa had seen through her remaining memories.

"Ah, damn it!" Minho exclaimed in frustration, running his fingers through his hair.

Minho still didn't believe what Cessie had just said.

"DAMN!! FUCK WICKED!!" Minho shouted loudly, then left them.

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