Chapter 17 : Punish

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Cessie's POV...

"If I were to like this crazy girl, I'd rather be banished than stay in this place with a killer!"


Am I a killer? Is Ben like this because of me? Am I cursed? A murderer?

I can't bear it anymore in the Glade. I can't handle all these events that I don't even understand.

"Hey, it's okay... don't listen to him," Newt said, trying to calm me down.

Alby held my hand, pulling me into a warm embrace. I feel like I just want to die like this. I don't want to live as a murderer.

Unbeknownst to me, tears streamed down my face. I cried with a hoarse voice. It's all a mess, my emotions are in turmoil.

Alby signaled to Newt to quickly take me to the Hole, as per the Keepers' decision to punish me.

"Come on, Cessie. Don't dwell on it. He was just caught up in his emotions," Newt said, gently patting my shoulder.

The moon illuminated the gaps in the Hole that they had created as a prison.
I hate the darkness. I'm afraid of being alone in the darkness.

It's just me and my jumbled thoughts, trying to make sense of what I've just experienced.

I could feel my hands trembling, my eyes swollen from the continuous stream of tears.

My cheeks were burning from the intense sadness etched on my face.

Why is this all happening because of me? I don't know what I've done. I really just want to die.

Hey, look. I find myself in this strange place, filled with boys who have no memory of my life before being exiled to this cursed place, and now?

Now, I've become the main cause of people dying in the Glade, even though I haven't laid a hand on them or killed them myself.

Hey, am I going insane now?

Why does everyone hate me? Why?

Who am I?

Who are the people I meet in these crazy dreams that often come to me when I sleep?

Does Minho hate me too?

I think so. His words keep playing in my mind like a faulty music box.

He must hate me so much that if one day he found himself liking me, he would choose to leave rather than express his feelings for me?

I just want to be a Runner. I want to be with him. I want to get to know him better. I want to know what he feels.

I also want to be a Runner, not just because of Minho. I feel something very familiar. Even this giant maze feels strangely ordinary to me.

It seems like I know something about this. And I'm sure I know one important thing about the maze.

About Minho?

I don't want to hide anymore from my burning feelings.

I like him. More than anything.

I think I have a deeper connection with him from before the Glade. I'm convinced that the nightmare that always comes to me when I sleep about someone I would die for to keep them safe is Minho. I believe that person is Minho.

And now? He hates me.

Can't I be happy for just one day?

I'm tired of constantly being blamed for things I don't even know.

Property Of W.C.K.D - Book 1 (Minho Fanfic - TMR)  Where stories live. Discover now