Chapter 50 : Is this the end?

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The Keepers held a meeting in the council hall, exchanging opinions about the key and the exit that the Runners had found.

Pros and cons filled their minds. Some agreed to leave but were still hesitant because they had never done it before.

Newt remained silent, observing everything they said. Alby tried to keep their meeting organized, but Gally couldn't relax about it.

Gally kept insisting that the Grievers had been a part of them for three years, and they hadn't bothered the Glade as long as the Gladers didn't bother the Grievers. To Gally, the Glade was already their home. So, what else was there to look for?

As they were exchanging opinions, panicked Gladers ran from outside. The Keepers came out of the council hall to ask what had happened.

"What is wrong?" Newt asked one of the Gladers passing by with a torch heading toward the south door of the maze.

"The doors— the doors won't close!" he said and immediately ran toward the door.

Suddenly, a loud, deafening bang echoed, so loud that they all covered their ears.

It was already very dark, and the four maze doors opened by themselves, something that had never happened before.

The North, East, South, and West maze doors swung wide open, causing a panic, and everyone scattered.

"What the hell!" Alby exclaimed, running toward them.

Suddenly, shouts echoed from all four directions of the doors. Minho, recognizing the noise, immediately shouted at the Gladers to stay away from the open doors.

"GRIEVERS!!" Minho shouted and sprinted.

"Chuck! Take the others to the council hall!" Alby ordered.

Minho ran to find someone.

"Cessie!!" Minho yelled, not finding the girl.

Suddenly, Thomas came, looking very panicked.

"Minho! Have you seen Cessie?" Thomas asked Minho.

Minho, realizing that Thomas was looking for Cessie, cursed because he knew the girl wasn't with her brother.

"Shit!!" Minho swore.

"Find Teresa! I'll take care of Cessie!" Minho said and immediately ran.

The Grievers began to enter from every open corner. Shouts and fear filled the Glade, making the atmosphere terrifying.

Newt ran toward the council hall and made sure the Gladers entered. On the other side, Thomas, Teresa, Zart, Frypan, and some Gladers started running into the tall cornfields, crouching low, hoping the Grievers wouldn't find them.

Suddenly, a Griever pulled Zart from above. Everyone panicked and tried to help Zart.

"No!" Zart exclaimed in panic when the Griever grabbed his body.

"No!! Zaaarttt!!!" Jeff screamed, reaching out to Zart, but before he could grasp him, Zart was lifted and disappeared beneath the running Griever.

They ran away from the field and eventually crossed paths with the Grievers, which were getting closer.

"Holy shit!!" Frypan exclaimed.

"Stay close!!" Thomas ordered.

After a moment of silence in an open area, Teresa suddenly screamed. The girl was lifted, gripped by a Griever.

They panicked, and Thomas tried to help, but his body was thrown by the Griever. Jeff threw a spear at the Griever, but it only seemed to make it angrier.

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