Chapter 6 : To be Choosen

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Cessie's POV ...

The little girl cried incessantly inside the moving train. They didn't know where they were going.

"Hey, calm down," a young boy said to the little girl.

"I'll be with you," he continued, hugging the crying girl.

In the midst of the silence, a woman in a white uniform approached the two children.

"Don't worry, Cessie. You are the key to everything."



I woke up to someone shouting and gently shaking my body.

Startled, I gasped for breath. It felt like running without rest because of that dream...

Was it a dream?

Or was it my shadow from the past?

"Hey, are you okay?" Chuck asked.

"I'm fine, Chuck," I replied to him.

"The Keepers told me to wake you up," Chuck said.

"What time is it?" I asked, panicking.

"I don't know. There's no clock here, Cessie. But based on the sunlight, it's probably around 10 or 11 o'clock," Chuck replied, looking towards the sunbeams streaming through the cracks in the shack.

"Why didn't you wake me up early in the morning, Chuck?" I asked, sounding disappointed.

"To be honest, they told me to wake you up since dawn, but Minho forbade Alby and the others from waking you up that early," Chuck replied.

Minho? I remembered the events from last night.

"Alby was surprised by Minho. That kid rarely interferes with someone's rest. But this time, he was different. He was so wise in prohibiting anyone from waking you up," Chuck said, looking at me with questioning eyes.

I stared at him nervously.

"Have you met him?" Chuck asked.

"No, you know I've been with you, Newt, and Alby from the beginning," I replied.

"Why did the Keepers ask you to wake me up?" I asked again.

"Oh, come on, cessiee... Don't you already know? Every new kid has to be assigned a position. Do you want to be a Runner?" Chuck asked me.

Instantly, my eyes sparkled as I looked at him. That question made me happy. Finally, the moment I had been waiting for had arrived.

Chuck rolled his eyes and looked at me with annoyance.

"Well, then hurry up. The Keepers and the Gladers are already waiting for you there. Typical greenie. Lucky for you, you're pretty. Otherwise, who would want to wait for you?" he teased me.

I quickly hurried to follow Chuck, who was already ahead of me. That kid, always in a rush.


"The princess has arrived," Gally said as I entered the room.

All eyes were on me. Some laughed, some looked in awe, and a few others gave me blank stares. And one of those who gave me a blank stare was Minho.

"Alby, just put her in the garden with us."

"No, in the kitchen. Women are perfect for being cooks."

"I'll teach you how to disembowel a greenie cow."

Property Of W.C.K.D - Book 1 (Minho Fanfic - TMR)  Where stories live. Discover now