Chapter 35 : No other way

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On the other side, Thomas, Minho, and the Runners began to emerge from the maze. They were shocked to see Cessie being held by the two Gladers on her way to the prison hole. Minho stopped in his tracks.

"Wait, there's something wrong," Minho murmured as he watched Cessie struggling in the distance.

They faintly heard Cessie calling Thomas for help.

Thomas panicked and started running toward her, but unfortunately, Minho held him back.

Thomas, unwilling to be held back, turned to glare at Minho and seemed ready to confront him. Who would dare challenge the man before him?

"What are you doing? Let go of me!" Thomas insisted, shaking his hand to break free from Minho's grip, but his efforts were in vain because Minho was too strong.

Minho stared at Thomas intently. His feelings were in turmoil, given the rules and the promises they had made last night about the consequences if Cessie caused trouble in the Glade.

From a distance, Minho observed Cessie, who was starting to disappear from his view as the Gladers continued to pull her away.

"Let go of me, Minho!" Thomas demanded. Minho immediately released Thomas's hand after Cessie disappeared from his sight.

"What other disturbance has that girl caused?" one of the Runners behind them commented.

"As usual. Teresa is a girl too, but I've never seen her cause any trouble here," one of the other Runners said.

Thomas, hearing their words, let out a frustrated sigh.

"Chill, dude. Lately, you seem really concerned about that girl," another Runner remarked.

Minho gave Thomas an intimidating look, starting from his feet up to his head, then locking eyes with him as he said, "Don't you dare to touch her!" Minho's words silenced Thomas.

Thomas considered something absurd. He could have rebelled and protected Cessie because she was his sister. Not only that, Thomas could have also kept Cessie away from Minho, but he chose to yield.

"What are you hiding, Thomas?" Minho asked, catching Thomas off guard. Before he could answer Minho's question, Chuck ran towards them from the side.

"Guys... Alby!" Chuck said, his breath heavy.

"What's going on, Chuck?" Minho asked, gently patting Chuck's shoulder.

"Alby... He's awake," Chuck said, his voice trembling.

Since Teresa had injected the serum into Alby's body, he had been unconscious until now, but the Griever sting had been confirmed to be gone from his body.

Minho immediately ran to the Med-jack, followed by Thomas and Chuck. Meanwhile, the other Runners lay down on the green grass to rest briefly in front of the maze door.

On the other side, several Keepers had gathered. Winston, Frypan, Clint, Jeff, Teresa, Chuck, Newt, Gally—they were all inside the Med-jack. Thomas and Minho entered, adding to the tension.

Alby was sitting on his bed, looking very sad.

Thomas looked at Teresa, who stared back at him with an inexplicable gaze.

Teresa was sitting on a bed about three meters away from Alby. Thomas was surprised to see the girl covered in blood.

Minho continued to focus on Alby and approached him. Minho knelt in front of Alby and asked how he felt.

"Hey Alby, good to see you back," Minho said with a smile, patting Alby's shoulder gently.

"He's not saying anything. He hasn't said a word," Clint said.

Property Of W.C.K.D - Book 1 (Minho Fanfic - TMR)  Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora