Chapter 18 : Greenie?

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Author's POV ...

As all the Gladers know, the box usually appears once a month. But this time, it appeared within almost a week of Cessie's arrival.

The Gladers were shocked, and even Alby, the newly appointed leader, found himself faced with the unexpected arrival of a greenie.

The man was seen being assisted by Gally to exit the same box that had brought Cessie to the Glade.

He seemed confused, scared, and curious all at once. He ran away from the surrounding Gladers, desperately trying to distance himself from them. Eventually, he stumbled and fell like a frog leaping onto the wrong lily pad.

"Booooooooo....." the Gladers shouted as he fell, their laughter filling the air. They mocked the boy, finding amusement in his misfortune.

Whether this is a good or bad omen, Alby didn't want to dwell on it for too long, considering the recent upheaval caused by Cessie's arrival in the Glade. For now, they chose to view it as a positive occurrence. Besides bringing a new arrival, the box also delivered some much-needed food supplies and other necessities for the Gladers. So, the faster the box appeared, the more abundant the food and supplies became.

Alby, with the help of Chuck and myself, guided the man down and followed Alby's direction to make an impromptu Bonfire to welcome this new addition to the Glade.

After getting to know the man a bit, Alby was taken aback. He was different from the other Gladers. His curiosity was high, not unlike Cessie.

Alby invited him to write his name on the maze walls as a symbol that he had become part of the Glade, even mentioning the possibility of becoming a runner, just like Cessie.

In Newt's opinion, this was insane and somewhat frightening because the new arrival seemed more inclined to take big risks rather than focus on planting crops or building within the Glade.

The man had met the Keepers, but not Cessie. They were still keeping Cessie hidden, whether it was due to forgetfulness or for some other reason that was clearly on the man's mind. No women in this damn Glade, just men...

And for your information, the man was scared because he couldn't remember anything, not even his own name.

As night fell, Alby instructed Chuck to release Cessie from the prison.

The cool night air blew through the glade. The sun had set, replaced by the gentle glow of the sky. What a beautiful world, even though everyone knew that this place was more of a human cage than a beautiful world.

The new arrival was sitting amidst a fallen tree. He looked confused by the situation and conditions in the glade. In the man's mind, there were questions swirling. Why had he suddenly ended up in this place? Was he exiled? Who was his family? Did he have siblings? Friends? A girlfriend? Or anything at all in his life? Why couldn't he remember anything, not even his own name?

Well, that's how it goes for all the Gladers, and it's normal. Newt introduced the newcomer to every aspect of the Glade, with Alby and Chuck assisting in familiarizing him with the surroundings.

And here they are, on this beautiful night.

"Torch? Light it up now!" commanded a dark-skinned man. Yup, that's Alby.

The Gladers tossed the torch towards the stack of dry wood, arranged in a tall triangle.

The wood caught fire, and the warm glow of the flames illuminated every corner, creating an epic atmosphere.

"Greenie, you gotta taste Alby's cooking. Come with me," said the blonde man, who is second in command after Alby. That's Newt.

The man followed Newt, asking him a few questions along the way.

Tonight's bonfire was a bit different from the ones before. The atmosphere was livelier due to the newcomer's antics. He seemed foolish and weak.

Newt and the man arrived at Fry's kitchen, where they were greeted with a warm, brotherhood-style embrace that Fry gave to welcome the newcomer. The other Gladers gathered around the newcomer, asking him questions and greeting him before eventually dispersing.

On the other side, a graceful girl walked towards Fry's kitchen. As usual, the glances of the Gladers followed her every move. She was beautiful and alluring, capturing everyone's attention, including the shocked newcomer who couldn't believe what he was seeing in front of him.

"I forgot to ask earlier. I thought there were only men here?" The man said, confused.

"Who is she?" The man asked again. Newt, realizing that the man was freaking out to know about the girl, whispered,

"She's the queen." Newt whispered.

The man gaped at Newt's answer, finding it too "gold" for that girl. Newt then laughed and lightly nudged the man's shoulder.

"No, I'm kidding. She's a newcomer before you arrived. Do you know her?" Newt asked.

The man seemed to struggle to remember.

"I don't remember anything," he said.

"She's beautiful," the man murmured, catching Newt's attention.

"What did you say? Listen here. Never mess around with that girl. Her name is Cessie, beauty as her name. If you cause any trouble with her, you'll have to deal with Alby, Minho, and me," Newt said firmly.

The man quickly nodded and burst into laughter as Newt observed his expression.

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